World Indigenous Forum | Land Portal

The World Indigenous Forum (WIF) is the largest indigenous-focused conference in the world. We exist to support indigenous business owners globally – and to connect them with expert knowledge, international markets and the investment partners they need to finance and scale their businesses.

Today, the 476 million indigenous people across 90 nations represent a mammoth global trading partner that all impact businesses and conscious investors would be well-advised to recognise and engage with. With a legacy of centuries of inequality, these amazing communities need increasing ethical investments to prosper.

The WIF links indigenous leaders, politicians and indigenous rights advocates together with local indigenous business owners and leading investors to create partnerships that promote, protect and/or preserve indigenous prosperity, autonomy and economic justice.


Event Times - Online Event

Wednesday 13 January 2021
11:00 - 20:00 GMT

Thursday 14 January 2021
11:00 - 20:00 GMT


Our Founders Story

Tamara Lakomy, Founder of Blueprints and Chair of the World Indigenous Forum, is paving the way for indigenous people and communities around the world, creating blueprints for success that allows them a brighter and fairer future.

These blueprints are built around the fundamentals of realising indigenous business potential and entrepreneurship, supporting it, and allowing it to buy land, commodities and securities that belong to these cultures by right, but have in the past been taken from them. At the same time, these businesses enrich the wider world, with their basis in ancient knowledge, sustainable heritage and cultural depth.