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Manuals & Guidelines
Journal Articles & Books
March 2024
Côte d'Ivoire

Le guide pour la conversion en agriculture biologique

L’agriculture biologique est une opportunité économique pour les agriculteurs. Pourtant, cette opportunité peut être très risquée pour les producteurs et générer une chute des rendements brutale.

Reports & Research
February 2024

Droits des communautés et changement climatique: Quel avenir voulons-nous?

Rapport de synthèse pour un Dialogue sur l'avenir du climate

Author: Initiative des droits et ressources, Rainforest Foundation Norway, Rainforest Foundation US, and Forest Peoples Programme 

Date: février 12, 2024

January 2024

The cattle sector plays a pivotal role in the economies of numerous Latin American and Caribbean countries. However, it also exerts a significant impact on environmental degradation, including substantial contributions to greenhouse gas emissions (accounting for 23.5 % of global livestock emissions) and deforestation (70 % attributed to livestock in South America).

January 2024

The global discourse within the realm of agriculture has been dominated with challenges of food security (FAO, 2022), (HLPE, Food security and nutrition: building a global narrative towards 2030, 2020) loss of biodiversity, environmental pollution and resource degradation and climate change.

January 2024

A bibliometric study on mapping the rice cropping systems in VMD is crucial for understanding the trend of EO-based rice mapping and how remote sensing technologies are essential to address the food security issue in the region.

January 2024

Context and background: This study argues that government schemes to serve petty traders in Tanzania remain unsustainable mostly due to poor consideration of the impact the socio-economic linkage has on location determinants. Goal and Objectives: This research aimed to understand how the articulation of petty trading operations with larger traders, directly or indirectly, influences location de

January 2024

At COP28 countries recognized that unprecedented adverse climate impacts are increasingly threatening the resilience of agriculture and food systems and ability to produce and access food in the prevailing scenario of mounting hunger, malnutrition, and economic stresses.

January 2024

Participatory approaches for crop variety testing can help breeding teams to incorporate traditional knowledge and consider site-specific sociocultural complexities. However, traditional participatory approaches have drawbacks and are seldom streamlined or scaled. Decentralized on-farm testing supported by citizen science addresses some of these challenges.

January 2024

Picture-Based Insurance is a new, innovative way of delivering affordable, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand crop insurance. By relying on visible crop characteristics derived from farmers’ own smartphone pictures, it aims to minimize the costs of loss verification and detect damage at the plot level, making crop insurance more attractive and accessible to small farmers.