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Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF)

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    The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is an intergovernmental partnership of 10 Nile Basin countries, namely Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, The Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Eritrea participates as an observer.

    For the first time in the Basin's history, an all-inclusive basin-wide institution was established, on 22nd February, 1999, to provide a forum for consultation and coordination among the Basin States for the sustainable management and development of the shared Nile Basin water and related resources for win-win benefits.

    Ambo University logo

    Ambo University is a university in Ambo, Ethiopia.

    The University was established in May 2011 by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the council of ministers.


    Source: Wikipedia (d.d. November 9th 2017)

    Hawassa University logo

    Hawassa university is a public university in Ethiopia.

    Hawassa University (or HU) was established at Hawassa in April 2000. Since 1976 the colleges of HU had been operational starting with the College of Agriculture. The university was formed by merging three colleges in southern Ethiopia: Awassa College of Agriculture, Wondogenet College of Forestry and Dilla College of Teacher Education and Health Sciences.

    Source: Wikipedia (consulted d.d. October 12th 2017)

    International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics logo

    The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is an international non-profit organization that undertakes scientific research for development.

    Our approach is through partnerships and with an Inclusive Market Oriented Development.

    Partnerships are critical as ICRISAT takes a catalyst role to help rural communities develop their own solutions and engage

    the actors needed to bring the vision to reality.

    iDE is a global effort that spans offices in 14 countries, encompassing 4 social enterprises, employing nearly 1,000 people directly, and indirectly enabling many more through our market-based approaches in agriculture; water, sanitation, and health; and finance. 

    Our beliefs are best summarized in a series of simple statements that guide our daily actions.

    The Ethiopian Development Research Institute is a semi-autonomous research think-tank engaged in: Economic research and policy analysis, Bridging research and policy, Capacity, Knowledge dissemination and exchange and Consultancy.

    The Institute of Land Administration in Bahir Dar University was established in 2006 by launching the first BSc program in Land Administration in Ethiopia. The establishment of the institute was initiated by the then Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use Authority (EPLAUA) of the Amhara National Regional State. Institute’s establishment was supported by Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden and financed by the Swedish government through Sida.

    The State of Amhara consists of 10 administrative zones, one special zone, 105 woredas, and 78 urban centres. Amharic is the working language of the state.


    The capital city of the State of Amhara is Bahir-Dar


    The Sate of Amhara is located in the north western and north central part of Ethiopia. The State shares common borders with the state of Tigray in the north, Afar in the east, Oromiya in the south, Benishangul/Gumuz in the south west, and the Republic of Sudan in the west.


    We have over 95 years of experience in empowering communities to overcome poverty.  Led by our founder Dr. Y.C. James Yen, since early 1920s, our predecessor the Chinese Mass Education Movement was responsible for changing, for better, and the lives of over 200 million Chinese peasants through the power of functional literacy.  Since IIRR was formally organized as an international development, training, and research organization in 1960 in the Philippines, we have continued to empower the rural poor to end poverty in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

    The Drylands Coordination Group (DCG) is a network for capacity building through exchange of practical experience and appropriate knowledge on food security in the drylands of Africa. The DCG networks in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mali, and Sudan consist of NGOs as well as research institutions and governmental structures. DCG Norway administers funds from Norad to research projects and from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to information and policy work linked to the UNCCD and dryland challenges.



    The vision of FSS is to see the creation of a vibrant democratic society in Ethiopia where the public can actively participate in and influence the policy-making process in all development sectors.


    The mission of FSS is to catalyze the emergence of viable policy options that promote the democratic and development aspirations of the Ethiopian people

    Core Values and Principles

    Strategic Objectives

    To achieve its mission, FSS has formulated the following objectives: