Myanmar | Land Portal





Burma Issues (BI) was formed in 1990 as a private non-profit organisation devoted to peacefully addressing Burma's struggle for human rights and democratic rule. BI is unique in that we focus on the marginalized communities living in the war zone of Burma as our target group for building a peace based on justice for everyone. Our approach is based on concepts of empowerment of these marginalized communities. In 2002 the Peace Way Foundation was formed and registered with the Royal Thai Government.

The SHWE Gas Movement is concerned with a natural gas pipeline project presently unfolding in Western Burma.

In cooperation with Burma's military junta, a consortium of Indian and Korean corporations are currently exploring gas fields off the coast of Arakan State in Western Burma. Discovered in December 2003, these fields--labeled A-1, or "Shwe" (the Burmese word for gold)--are expected to hold one of the largest gas yields in Southeast Asia. These Shwe fields are destined to become the Burmese military government's largest single source of foreign income.

We have over 95 years of experience in empowering communities to overcome poverty.  Led by our founder Dr. Y.C. James Yen, since early 1920s, our predecessor the Chinese Mass Education Movement was responsible for changing, for better, and the lives of over 200 million Chinese peasants through the power of functional literacy.  Since IIRR was formally organized as an international development, training, and research organization in 1960 in the Philippines, we have continued to empower the rural poor to end poverty in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

“We are a social development organization that works with civil society, government and businesses to bring about a society of active citizens supported by effective and democratic governance.”

Loka Ahlinn was formed by nine core members from educational backgrounds in 2006. It aimed to address the question of how to develop an education platform in Myanmar. Projects started in community management and training, including establishment of two training centres, in Yangon and Magway.

Open Development Mekong (OD Mekong) and related country websites are independent collectors and providers of objective data on development trends in the Mekong region. Regarding social, economic and environmental development, Open Development Mekong supports:

Focus on the Global South was established in 1995 to challenge neoliberalism, militarism and corporate-driven globalisation while strengthening just and equitable alternatives.  We work in solidarity with the Global South - the great majority of humanity that is marginalized and dispossessed by globalisation – believing that progressive social change and Global South solidarity are imperative if the needs and aspirations of oppressed peoples, particularly in Asia, Latin America and Africa, are to be met.

What is the FSWG?

The FSWG professional network of local, international NGOs, Community Based Organizations and individuals who are working and interested in food security related issues in Myanmar. The FSWG addresses cross-cutting social, economic, ethnic, and environmental issues in food security through capacity building, managing knowledge and information, and advocacy, through effective network collaboration, communication, monitoring and evaluation, and organisational performance.

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ZOA is an international relief and recovery organization supporting vulnerable people affected by violent conflicts and natural disasters in fragile states, by helping them to realize dignified and resilient lives.

ZOA operates in more than 15 countries, in difficult locations where our field staff directly provides assistance to the most vulnerable victims of displacement. The countries in which ZOA is present are Afghanistan, Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Liberia, Myanmar, Philippines, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Uganda and Yemen.

The Mon Youth Progressive Organization, MYPO, is an independent youth organization which was founded by the youth and students from different places in Mon State with the goals; supporting for democracy, human rights and building a strong civil society for peaceful and democratic change in Burma in 1999. It is temporarily located in Sangkhlaburi in Thai-Burma border. The members of the MYPO are students and grass-root activists who are interested in social and political change in Mon State particularly.