Peer-reviewed publication | Land Portal

A peer-reviewed publication is a subcategory under Journal Articles & Books, in the sense that it is an article with a more scientific approach. In general, the following description of a peer-reviewed publication is used: "Articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in order to insure the article's quality" (Source: Angelo State University).

Peer-reviewed publication
October 2021

Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle que joue la sécurité du régime foncier applicable à l’eau dans la garantie de moyens d’existence durables, dans une gouvernance juste des ressources, dans la protection de l’environnement et dans le développement économique durable, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) a relancé un débat qui a commencé en 2012 ave

Filets sociaux, des outils de résilience pertinents ? Publié dans Revue Grain de sel le 22 septembre 2020
Peer-reviewed publication
June 2020

La crise de la Covid-19 est venue confirmer l’importance pour les Etats de disposer d’outils d’aide réactifs en cas de choc (économique, climatique, sanitaire) pour appuyer leur population.Garantir la sécurité alimentaire des ménages, réduire la pauvreté et la vulnérabilité et soutenir le développement agricole demandent de mettre en place des mécanismes souples et mutualisables.

 Résumé de La situation mondiale des pêches et de l’aquaculture 2024
Peer-reviewed publication
June 2024
Costa Rica

La production halieutique et aquacole mondiale a atteint un niveau sans précédent, la production d’animaux aquatiques issue de l’aquaculture dépassant pour la première fois celle de la pêche de capture, selon un nouveau rapport de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) publié aujourd’hui. 

Peer-reviewed publication

Effective reform pathways for addressing women’s access to land and tenure security in Africa are yet to be found despite their role in feeding the population.

Peer-reviewed publication

The purpose of this paper is to examine the existing real property valuation practice in case of expropriation in Ethiopia and to propose potential bases and approaches compatible to the Ethiopian real property system based on desk review research in which existing literature are the main source. The paper found that, there is no standard and responsible institution for property valuation.

Peer-reviewed publication
Central African Republic

Dans le massif  forestier du Sud-ouest de la République Centrafricaine, la terre  représente,  une  richesse inaliénable pour les peuples autochtones Aka. C’est de la terre,  que les Aka communément appelés pygmées,  tirent l’essentiel  de leurs  subsistances.

Peer-reviewed publication

Lakes are integrator of environmental changes occurring at a regional to global scale and present a high variety of behaviors on a variety of time scale. Their crucial importance as water stocks and retaining given the significant environmental changes occurring worldwide at many anthropocentric levels has increased the necessity of monitoring all its morphodynamic characteristics i.e.

Peer-reviewed publication

Spatial data are a basis in development of multipurpose cadastre. This paper aims to evaluate spatial data acquisition and management techniques for multipurpose cadastre in Ethiopia and Rwanda. The research was conducted using a qualitative research method, a review of existing literature on spatial data acquisition and management techniques for cadastral purposes.

Peer-reviewed publication

In Zambia, security of tenure for communities residing under customary land tenure settings has in recent years increasingly come under threat owing to the pressures of high rate of urbanization, speculation, subdivision and conversion to state land, which effectively excludes marginal populations from accessing resources for their land.