| Land Portal

negotiated land reform

Reform that uses the land market as a vehicle for redistributing land, but in which the state plays an important role in providing funds (e.g., through grants and or loans) for poor farmers to purchase land.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 19
Reports & Research
June 2021
  • Plus de 60 % de la superficie de Madagascar est classée comme pâturage permanent et l’élevage communautaire est pratiqué sur de vastes espaces par des collectifs d’éleveurs.
Journal Articles & Books
Policy Papers & Briefs
February 2021

Journal Articles & Books
January 2021
Syrian Arab Republic

The impending close to the war in Syria brings to the fore the prospect of approximately 13 million forcibly displaced people considering returns to places of origin in the country.

Reports & Research
July 2019

O Grupo de Mulheres Raízes da Terra faz parte do Assentamento Padre Jésus, localizado na Zona Rural do município de Espera Feliz, na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, .O processo de aquisição das terras do assentamento iniciou-se em 2005 e a terra foi conquistada no ano de 2009, via Crédito Fundiário.

Reports & Research
June 2019

Respecter le consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause est un droit collectif qui appartient à tout membre d’une communauté. Cela signifie que les communautés ont le droit de prendre des décisions par leurs propres représentants librement choisis et leurs institutions, coutumières ou autres, telles que les autorités locales et les élus locaux.

Ajenda ya Urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi Nchini Kenya
Reports & Research
February 2019

Webinaa kuhusu Urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi Nchini Kenya ilifanyika tarehe 10 Oktoba, 2018. Webinaa ilipitia mchakato wa urekebishaji wa Sera ya Ardhi nchini Kenya na ikashughulikia changamoto anuwai. Lengo lilikuwa  kubaini hatua za kufuata zitakazoleta usawa na haki katika urekebishaji wa sera ya ardhi.
Webinaa ilishughulikia maswali yafuatayo: 

Land Reform in South Africa
Reports & Research
December 2018
South Africa

This moderated online dialogue was facilitated by Phuhlisani NPC in association with the Land Portal. Phuhlisani NPC has drafted this report on the key issues surfaced through the dialogue. 

Dialogue objectives
The dialogue provided an online forum to explore different perspectives on the content of a pro-poor programme of land reform programme that can:

The Cambodian peasantry and the formalisation of land rights : Historical overview and current issues
Reports & Research
December 2018

The central objective of this working paper produced by Jean-Christophe Diepart and Thol Sem, is to examine the recognition and formalisation of peasants’ land rights against the backdrop of Cambodian history and political economy of land and agrarian change.

Land Reform in Kenya
Reports & Research
October 2018

The webinar on the Land Reform Agenda for Kenya took place on 10 October, 2018. The webinar reviewed the land reform process in Kenya and addressed a range of challenges, with a view to defining a path forward that will lead to equity and justice in land reforms.