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Conference Papers & Reports
November 1970
United Arab Emirates

The science of "survey" was known to ancient Egyptians. Drawings and

paintings on the walls of temples and tombs, and writings on papyrus, prove that ancient. Egyptians practiced surveying long ago. Paintings on the temples of Thebe display land-surveyors using linear instruments.

Conference Papers & Reports
November 1970

A Madagascar, en effet, outre cette délimitation, il faut que le propriétaire prouve ses droits par un acte officiel. Autrement dit, il faut que ses prérogatives sur les parcelles délimiter soient mentionnées dans un répertoire public appelé matrice foncière.

Assistance to Land Use  Planning: Ethiopia. Provisional Soil Association Map of Ethiopia cover image
Training Resources & Tools
January 1970

The 1: 2 000 000 Soil Associations map is based on

the Geomorphology and Soils map, at 1: 1 000 000 scals, prepared

by the FAO/UNDP Eth/78/003, Assistance to Land Use PlJ

Project in 1981 It incorporates some new information ob%,3 _