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A contract granting use or occupation of property during a specified period in exchange for a specified rent.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 1658
July 2016

Article 3 shall be amended to add the following wording: ““Owners and tenants, including leaseholders, of land plots must comply with the provisions and requirements in the sphere of ensuring agricultural land fertility”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 53-OZ “On regulation for ensuring agricultural land fertility”. (2005-06-01)

July 2016

This Guideline lays down the technical criteria used for the classification of pasture and meadows as well as the procedures to be followed for leasing pasture and meadow areas to individuals or private entities. The classification is used for the preparation of management plans, the update of the pasture cadaster, and the lease contracts with private users.

July 2016

El presente Acuerdo dispone que para obtener la Guía de embarque el interesado deberá contar con su Contrato de Arrendamiento y Certificado Ambiental vigente o tener en proceso la solicitud de Contrato de Arrendamiento y Certificado Ambiental de la finca camaronera enmarcada en la Ley de Fortalecimiento de la Camaricultura.

July 2016

This Federal Law establishes new grounds and procedures for compulsory termination, as well as the specific features of acquiring, rights to plots of agricultural land. A land plot may be expropriated from the owner in a judicial procedure if it has not been used for 3 or more years to perform agricultural or other activities related to agricultural production.

July 2016

Article 10 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Owners and tenants, including leaseholders, of land plots must comply with the provisions and requirements in the sphere of ensuring agricultural land fertility”.

Policy Papers & Briefs
July 2016

El Instituto para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica (IPDRS) ofrece el presente artículo que surgió de la reflexión de la temática de tierras en Argentina. La autora hace una descripción de la problemática del acceso a la tierra y las acciones concretas que el Gobierno de ese país ha realizado para cambiar esa situación.

June 2016

This Order establishes the modalities of reforestation with a view of restoration of deforested, destroyed and damaged forest areas. The scope of reforestation shall be restoration of forest plantations, conservation of biological diversity and conservation of environmental values of forests.

June 2016

Article 16.1 shall be amended to add a new wording: “Lease contract related to plots of agricultural public or municipal land shall be concluded without tender in case of allotment thereof to Cossack associations for agricultural activities”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 19-zs “On regulation of land relations”. (2015-02-25)

June 2016

Article 1 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Lease payment for plots of agricultural land shall be calculated with application of index 0, 3 percent”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 756-oz “On the modalities of calculation of lease payment, modalities and terms of payment of thereof for lease of land plots of public land”. (2010-02-03)