| Land Portal
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Relatórios e Pesquisa
Março 2020

This report titled Land in India: Issues and Debates is part of an initiative under the aegis of India Land & Development Conference (ILDC) which has a long-term objective of bringing out an annual Status of Land in India volume.

Reconstruction of China’s Farmland Rights System Based on the ‘Trifurcation of Land Rights’ Reform
Publicação revisada por pares
Fevereiro 2020

With the aim of improving farmland use efficiency without damaging the social function of farmland, Chinese policymakers have proposed the ‘trifurcation of land rights’ reform. When it comes to realization of the law, however, neither the Ownership Model nor the Bundle of Sticks Model can adequately explain this reform.

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Janeiro 2020
Serra Leoa

This document, presents a learning story from the LEGEND Challenge Fund that supported partnership projects by civil society and private sector business to test approaches through which private business can potentially contribute to more secure land rights and better land governance in agricultural investment sites and supply chains.

LANDac | Policy Brief #6 Negotiating and implementing large scale land deals in Sierra Leone cover image
Documentos e Resumos de Políticas
Julho 2019
Serra Leoa

Investment into large-scale agribusiness projects in African post-conflict states is framed within broader economic reforms. On their surface, these projects boast of attracting much-needed infrastructure development, providing employment and shifts from subsistence agriculture to formal wage labor, and raising GDP.

Large Scale Land Acquisitions Profile Cambodia
Documentos e Resumos de Políticas
Fevereiro 2019

This country profile presents the Land Matrix data for Cambodia, detailing large-scale land acquisition (LSLA) transactions that:

• entail a transfer ofrights to use, control or own land through sale, lease or concession;

• have an intended size of 200 hectares (ha) or larger;

• have been concluded since the year 2000;

Land governance in Brunei Darussalam
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Janeiro 2019

Land governance is proven to be significant in the development and survival of any nation. However, challenges associated with land governance have been a continuing debate as they keep changing due to the progress of any given society.

 Case 2.1 – Special Agricultural Business Lease (SABL)
Artigos e Livros
Janeiro 2019
Papua-Nova Guiné

On July 21, 2011 the then Acting Prime Minister Sam Abal announced the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry to investigate 77 land leases which were issued under the Somare government’s Special Agriculture & Business Leases (SABL).

Artigos e Livros
Agosto 2018
Ásia Meridional

Is there an alternative model to small family farming that could provide sustainable livelihoods to millions of resource-constrained and often non-viable smallholders in developing countries?

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Janeiro 2018

Zimbabwe today has an agrarian structure made up of small, medium and large farms, all under different forms of land ownership. A landscape once dominated by 4,500 large-scale commercial farmers is now populated by about 145,000 smallholder households, occupying 4.1 million hectares, and around 23,000 medium-scale farmers on 3.5 million hectares.

Documentos e Resumos de Políticas
Dezembro 2017

Orieta Belokon y Walter Mesa son colonos del INC en la Colonia San Javier. Ambos iniciaron siendo asalariados rurales. A la par empezaron a producir alquilando tierras.Luego gracias a su trabajo en la producción de leche accedieron a un crédito bancario para comprar sus tierras. Actualmente, además, alquilan una fracción al INC y continúan produciendo leche. Apuesta por su vida en el campo.

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