Projecto de Gestão de Terras no Planalto Central de Angola | Land Portal
Focal point: 
Marco Orani
Phone number: 
00244 921836943


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The project “Strengthened capacity for improved governance of land tenure and natural resources by local government in partnership with Non State Actors in the Central Highlands of Angola” is an initiative funded by the European Union, and implemented by the NGOs World Vision Angola, and Development Workshop, under the leadership of the Ministério da Administração do Território (MAT), and Provincial and Municipal Governments. The project is part of a EU regional program to improve land governance and help improve the food and nutrition security of family farmers and vulnerable communities in ten Sub Saharan Africa, including Angola. The concept of this program is to apply at country level the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT), adopted by the Committee of World Food Security (CFS) in 2012.

The project started in May 2014, and will finish in December 2017. The project’s objective is to “empower national, provincial, and municipality level governments, and local NSA and communities to facilitate the recognition of tenure rights”. To this aim, the project is structured around four principal components: technical strengthening of staff from local administrations, strengthening of local administrations in legal and administrative issues, strengthening of local communities on land rights, and generation of information and knowledge on land-related subjects.