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AFR100 (the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative) is a country-led effort to bring 100 million hectares of land in Africa into restoration by 2030. It aims to accelerate restoration to enhance food security, increase climate change resilience and mitigation, and combat rural poverty. 

The African Wildlife Foundation, together with the people of Africa, works to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa will endure forever. Founded in 1961 at the height of the African independence movement, AWF (then known at the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation) was created to help newly independent African nations and people conserve their own wildlife. AWF’s first approach was to train and educate African conservation professionals.


African Conservation Centre’s mission is to conserve biodiversity in East Africa and beyond through the collaborative application of scientific and indigenous knowledge, improved livelihoods and good governance through development of local institutions.


Through the years, we have stayed true to the following guiding values:

Innovate: Identify issues and develop innovative solutions to address the conservation challenges.

A AS-PTA – Agricultura Familiar e Agroecologia é uma associação de direito civil sem fins lucrativos que, desde 1983, atua para o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar e a promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável no Brasil. A experiência acumulada pela entidade ao longo desses anos permitiu comprovar a contribuição do enfoque agroecológico para o enfrentamento dos grandes desafios da sustentabilidade agrícola pelas famílias agricultoras. A AS-PTA participou da constituição e atua em diversas redes da sociedade civil voltadas para a promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável.

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation logo

The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) is the largest and oldest academic society dedicated to the study and conservation of tropical ecosystems. Our society is international in scope and membership, with almost 900 members from 65 countries, with whom we seek to:

  1. Promote awareness to as broad an audience as possible of the importance of the tropics
  2. Improve communication and cooperation among tropical investigators, educators, environmental managers, and local communities
Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation

We are the world’s first environmental trust fund, established in 1992 as a collaborative venture between the Royal Government of Bhutan, United Nations Development Program, and World Wildlife Fund. An endowment of US$20 million was set up as an innovative mechanism to finance conservation programs over the long term in Bhutan. Donors to the trust fund include the World Wildlife Fund and the Global Environment Facility, the governments of Bhutan, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland.

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers logo

There has been a long tradition of cooperation between the federal and provincial/territorial governments in forestry matters.

The establishment of the CCFM in 1985 provided an important forum for the respective governments to exchange information, work cooperatively, provide leadership and generate actions on forestry related matters of interests to all Canadians above and beyond the work done by individuals governments.

The primary role of the CCFM is to provide:

Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia logo

O CEIDA -Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia- promove a educación ambiental en todos os sectores sociais, así como o intercambio científico e cultural, traballando na procura de solucións aos problemas ambientais e fomentando as boas prácticas cidadás neste eido.

Commonwealth Forestry Association logo

What we do

We are reminded on a daily basis that the natural environment in which we live is vitally important for our well-being, whether it is in the form of climate change, global warming, declining fertility or dwindling natural resources.

The increasing woes of millions of the disadvantaged groups of people drew attention of a group of young man and women in the year 2000 in Comilla district and they got together and decided to form an organization in order to meliorate their conditions. Consequently Darpan Samaj Unnayan Kendra was established in the same year on 14th April. Darpan is a non-governmental, non-profitable and non-political voluntary social development Organization.

Fauna & Flora International (FFI), formerly the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, is an international conservation charity and non-governmental organization.

Its mission is to conserve threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing solutions that are sustainable, based on sound science, and which take into account human needs.

Its focus is on protecting biodiversity (the diversity of life on Earth), which underpins healthy ecosystems and is critical for the life support systems that humans and all other species rely on.