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APC Logo

APC is an international network of civil society organisations founded in 1990 dedicated to empowering and supporting people working for peace, human rights, development and protection of the environment, through the strategic use of information and communications technologies (ICTs). 

The Cahiers d’Études africaines, founded in 1960, have ever since favored the publication of previously unpublished articles, original investigations along with confirmed or emerging theoretical contributions.  While encouraging interdisciplinary perspectives, the journal concentrates on anthropological and historical research on Africa and societies linked to Africa throughout the world. The publication of articles in French and English contributes to the international recognition of the journal.

Climate Analytics was formed in 2008 to bring cutting edge science and policy analysis to bear on one of the most pressing global problems of our time: human-induced climate change. As the urgency of this problem has grown, so have we. 

Demographic, food security and climate change issues have been at the heart of discussions since the end of the 2000s, repositioning irrigation as a subject of interest for countries in the South.

Data Governance Network

The Data Governance Network is developing a multi-disciplinary community of
researchers tackling India's next policy frontiers: data-enabled policymaking and the
digital economy. At DGN, we work to cultivate and communicate research stemming
from diverse viewpoints on market regulation, information privacy and digital rights.
Our hope is to generate balanced and networked perspectives on data governance —
thereby helping governments make smart policy choices which advance the
empowerment and protection of individuals in today's data-rich environment

The low technology, labor-intensive sector known as artisanal and small-scale mining, or ASM, provides a critical livelihood for millions of people around the globe. Artisanal miners produce a large portion of the world’s minerals and gemstones and endure difficult, hazardous conditions.But there is so much more to the story. That’s why we’ve built DELVE, a global online data platform on ASM.

ESJ logo

Founded in Europe in October 2010, The European Scientific Journal (ESJ) is a venue for publishing scholarly works from across the globe. The ESJ actively solicits authors and reviewers from diverse countries and academic settings to reflect our international orientation.

Le portail « Foncier et Développement » résulte d’un travail collectif impliquant un ensemble d’experts membres du Comité technique « Foncier et développement ».

GeoVille is a private sector enterprise, founded by Dr. Christian Hoffmann in 1998, with the vision to remap the unknowns of human activities around the world. The company is registered as a limited liability company (GmbH) under Austrian law. During its operational period, GeoVille has established a broad international client base and successfully participated in more than 470 national and international projects. GeoVille is dedicated to providing a wide range of value-added services for Earth observation data and GIS applications.

Journal of Administrative Science

The Journal of Administrative Science (JAS) is an international, interdisciplinary journal aims to prompt discussion, sharing and debate on topical issues of particular interest or concern in the developed and developing world. It deliberates the theoretical and empirical articles that incorporate with the administrative science issues from interrelated disciplinary standpoints. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars from the humanities and social sciences with a research interest in the developed and developing world.

The Karthala publishing house was founded in May 1980, in Paris, with the aim of publishing and disseminating texts on international issues related to the countries of the South. Twenty years after the independence of the 1950s and 1960s, there was a need for new political approaches to what was then called the "Third World", and in particular to Africa.