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September 2013

Prospects for economic growth depend
upon the success of two overarching factors (1) mitigating
risks related to political uncertainty and the maintenance
of peace and security in the region; and (2) implementation
of a policy program that promotes private sector- led

Journal Articles & Books
May 2013
North Macedonia

This volume examines and evaluates the impact of international statebuilding interventions on the political economy of conflict-affected countries over the past 20 years. It focuses on countries that are emerging, or have recently emerged, from periods of war and protracted conflict. The interventions covered fall into three broad categories:

August 2012

When designing and implementing a
project in a conflict-affected country, some of the
conflict's more obvious impacts-damage to
infrastructure and energy supplies, are apt to immediately
come to mind. However, based on the experiences with the

June 2012

Poverty in Kosovo is widespread and has
remained persistent in the first half of this decade. The
evidence suggests that poverty is higher among those who
live in families that are large, have many unemployed
members, and have low education levels. The poor are also

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
March 2012
Central Asia

Kosovo is a small and young state that gained an interim United Nations (UN)-administered status in the wake of the Dayton peace accord only in 1999; it declared independence in 2008. Compared to neighboring countries, it is still lacking in its basic infrastructure and its administrative and technical skills.