Kosovo | Land Portal



The Parliament Assembly of Kosovo was originally established by the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo in 2001[2] to provide 'provisional, democratic self-government'.

On February 17, 2008, representatives of the people of Kosovo[3] declared that Kosovo is independent from Serbia and subsequently adopted a constitution, which came into effect on 15 June 2008.

CNVP (Connecting Natural Values and People) is a Dutch based organization operating in the Balkans. Being part of the forestry team within SNV http://www.snv.org a group of committed forestry engineers decided to establish CNVP in July, 2012. From its origins up to today this small team of enthusiastics has grown to 25 people from diversified backgrounds. Currently CNVP is implementing projects in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Resource Equity

Resource Equity is a women-run and women-centered nonprofit organization that focuses exclusively on legal issues specific to gender equity in land and natural resources around the world.