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Showing items 73846 through 73854 of 73863.LandLibrary Resource
The Act mandates the Communications Authority of Kenya to ensure that media service providers respect the privacy of individuals
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The Act established the Environment and Land Court to deal exclusively with disputes over land and environment
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makes provisions for citizens' participation in devolved governance
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The Policy updates policy and institutional framework for forest resources management in line with the Constitution of Kenya 2010
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Policy framework for upgrading existing slums and stemming the proliferation of new ones
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Review of causes and policy responses to internal displacement in Kenya
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Articulates government strategies for addressing the challenges of climate change
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Report details land related historical injustices
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Collective or individual titles? Conflict over tenure regularization in a Kenyan informal settlement
Paper discusses challenges to regularization of tenure in informal settlements through a case study of a project in Nairobi
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