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Showing items 181 through 189 of 73565.Les dispositions de la présente loi s'appliquent aux baux ruraux concernant toutes les terres à vocation agricole.
Cette loi porte liquidation de tous les droits d'enzel grevant les immeubles à vocation agricole ainsi que toutes les inscriptions correspondantes aux droits d'enzel figurant sur tous les titres de propriété des immeubles à vocation agricole.
This Law is composed of 7 Chapters, 33 articles and 2 Indexes. Preliminary provisions (chap. I)which shall include the following matters: name of the Law; abrogation of Law No. 40 of 1974; and terms and definitions.
This Law establishes the power of the Ministry of Justice and the Minister of Religious Affairs to make regulations as to land transactions for the purpose of observing the Sabbatical year.
The amendment of section 110 of the principal Law refers to reserved land. Section 2 which is an addition to section 135 allows to amend registration of area or boundaries, under specified conditions.
This Law allows a person empowered in writing to enter public land in order to examine the possession or use thereof and the right of the possessor or user to use it.
Under this law a person occupying or entitled to occupy agricultural land , under a lease agreement or by authority shall not make non-conforming use of that land save under a written permit from the Minister of Agriculture (sect. 2).
Cette loi porte annulation des titres fonciers de propriétés forestières et agricoles, indiqués dans le tableau annexé.
Il est créé en application de l'article 32 de la loi n.
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