Zambia | Land Portal




Ministry of Land [...] Zambia


The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources was realigned in 2016 through Government Gazette Number 836 of 2016. This re-alignment saw the removal of the function of environmental protection from the Ministry. The Ministry is responsible for land administration, forest management and climate change programmes coordination.

Zambia Land Alliance

Established in 1997, Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) is a network of Non-Governmental Organizations promoting fair land policies, laws and land administration which takes into account the needs of the poor.

The aim of the Wildlife Producers Association of Zambia is:

To foster the growth of the private wildlife estate and especially its national contribution to food production and security, job creation and community development, wildlife and wildlife habitat conservation and private sector development.

This aim will be achieved via 6 specific lines of business which are:

Zambia LII (ZambiaLII)

An online legal database with laws and legislation from Zambia, part of the AfricaLII intitiative. 

Ilovo Sugar Africa

The group is Africa’s biggest sugar producer and has extensive agricultural and manufacturing operations in six African countries. The group produces raw and refined sugar for local, regional African, European Union (EU), United States of America (USA) and world markets from sugar cane supplied by its own agricultural operations and independent outgrowers who supply cane to Illovo’s factories. High-value products manufactured downstream of the sugar production process are sold internationally into niche markets.

PhD Student, University of Edinburgh School of Geosciences

Economic valuation of ecosystem services for improved land governance and livelihoods: case study in large scale land acquisitions in Zambia


To be a Provider of World Class Services in Higher Education and Knowledge Generation


To Provide Relevant Higher Education Through Teaching, Research and Community Service

Management Philosophy

The University will embrace a participatory management style that will motivate employees, provide a work environment that is conducive to high productivity, teamwork in which leadership is by example, provide effective communication and guidance, which will be accessible to all, and promote individual growth.

Established in October 2011, the Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) is a non-profit Zambian company limited by guarantee which collaboratively works with public and private stakeholders in the agricultural sector. IAPRI is led by a local Board of Directors drawn from various state and private sector stakeholders.

Our Vision: To be the Centre of Excellence for Agricultural Policy Research and Outreach in Zambia.

iDE is a global effort that spans offices in 14 countries, encompassing 4 social enterprises, employing nearly 1,000 people directly, and indirectly enabling many more through our market-based approaches in agriculture; water, sanitation, and health; and finance. 

Our beliefs are best summarized in a series of simple statements that guide our daily actions.

Commonwealth Forestry Association logo

What we do

We are reminded on a daily basis that the natural environment in which we live is vitally important for our well-being, whether it is in the form of climate change, global warming, declining fertility or dwindling natural resources.

Practical Action is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) that uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries.

We find out what people are doing and help them to do it better. Through technology we enable poor communities to build on their skills and knowledge to produce sustainable and practical solutions- transforming their lives forever and protecting the world around them.


The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit, scientific research organization focusing on the sustainable use of water and land resources in developing countries. It is headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with regional offices across Asia and Africa. IWMI works in partnership with governments, civil society and the private sector to develop scalable agricultural water management solutions that have a real impact on poverty reduction, food security and ecosystem health. IWMI is a member of CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.