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Showing items 1855 through 1863 of 73565.La presente Ley de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras de los pueblos indígenas tiene como objeto regular el plan nacional de demarcación y garantía del hábitat y tierras que ancestral y tradicionalmente ocupan los pueblos y comunidades indígenas, establecido en el artículo 119 de la Con
La politique de développement agro-sylvo-pastoral est marquée par le retrait progressif de l’Etat et est conforme aux principes de recentrage de ses missions sur des fonctions régaliennes, de poursuite de la politique de décentralisation, d’amélioration du cadre et des conditions de vie en milieu
The President, for the purpose of improvement of the system of the provision of state and other needs with cartographic information, activization of fundamental and applied scientific research, development of production output, wide-scale application of the advanced achievements of the national a
The Act provides for the conversion of certain Crown leases to freeholds and prescribes savings and related procedure for the registration.
Amends: Crown Lands Act. (2014-06-02)
This Act, consisting of 44 sections divided into six Parts, provides for the establishment and operation of the Land Development Corporation.
This Decree-Law, composed of 98 articles, regulates the licensing of the installation and management of the Integrated Centres for Structural Improvement, Added Value and Elimination of Hazardous Wastes (CIRVER).
Item 1 of the Article 6 of Land Code shall acquire a new wording: “Plot of land can be the object of purchase and sale, gift, exchange, mortgage and other commercial transactions and can be transferred as succession with restrictions imposed by this Code.” Item 5 of the Article 6 of Law of the Ky
This Law regulates land registration and restriction of the right of ownership. In the Register of immovable property shall be recorded plots of land that have been attributed cadastre number (Art. 9).
This Law regulates purchase of land by the foreign legal and natural persons, and also by foreign institutions and organizations that have no status of legal person but have legal capacity. It also establishes terms, conditions and restrictions on the purchase of land by foreigners.
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