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There are 1, 484 content items of different types and languages related to Desarrollo de capacidad on the Land Portal.
Displaying 73 - 84 of 87

Centre for Public Policy


The Centre for Public Policy (CPP) at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) is an independent public interest-oriented policy think tank engaged in pioneering research, teaching, training and capacity-building. The Centre – established in 2000 through a partnership agreement between the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India (GoI), United Nations Development Programme and IIMB – aspires to lead policy-thinking and praxis in India, promoting equitable, inclusive and sustainable solutions to the concerns of citizens and public governance.

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of the Netherlands

The Ministry promotes the Netherlands as a country of enterprise with a strong international competitive position and an eye for sustainability. It is committed to creating an excellent entrepreneurial business climate, by creating the right conditions and giving entrepreneurs room to innovate and grow. By paying attention to nature and the living environment. By encouraging cooperation between research institutes and businesses. This is how we enhance our leading positions in agriculture, industry, services and energy and invest in a powerful, sustainable country. 

IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative


Climate change, deforestation and poverty are global issues that go beyond the reach of single companies or governments; it takes public-private cooperation to solve them.

IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative brings governments, companies, CSOs and financiers together in action driven coalitions. We orchestrate the powers of law, of entrepreneurship and investments to work together to create solutions for global sustainability issues at scale.

Climate Technology Centre & Network


The CTCN is the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism, hosted by the UN Environment Programme and the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). The Centre promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. We provide technology solutions, capacity building and advice on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks tailored to the needs of individual countries by harnessing the expertise of a global network of technology companies and institutions.

Open Data Charter


The Open Data Charter is a collaboration between governments and organizations working to open up data based on a shared set of Principles. With 73 government adopters and 53 organizations endorsers, our goal is to embed open data as a central ingredient to achieving better solutions to the most pressing policy challenges of our time.

Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala


The Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), also known as University of San Carlos de Guatemala, is the largest and oldest university in Guatemala, being also the only national in that Central American country. This is the fourth university founded in America. It was established in the General Captaincy of Guatemala during the Spanish colony and remained the only one in Guatemala until 1954.

Center of Legal and Judicial Training


The Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (Centre for Legal and Judicial Training, CFJJ) is an organism under subordination of the Ministry of Justice.

It was created in the year of 1997 (Decreto n.º34/97 de 21 de Outubro), started working in 2000 and it was inaugurated by the Former President of the Republic of Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano in 2001.

It is an organization that has the mission to train professionals of the sector of justice and work on the legal education of the citizens.

Foundation for Civil Society


Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) is an independent Tanzanian non-profit organization that provides grants and capacity building services to civil society organizations (CSOs) so as to enhance their effectiveness in enabling engagement of citizens in development processes. It was established 15 years ago by development stakeholders in Tanzania.

SSG Advisors LLP

SSG Advisors LLP is in the business of providing non-binding, non-discretionary investment advisory & financial advisory services to institutional / professional investors principally in special situation and distressed investments as well as private higher quality secured credit investments on a non-exclusive basis.


Food Security Information Network


The Food Security Information Network (FSIN) is a global initiative to strengthen food and nutrition security information systems for producing reliable and accurate data to guide analysis and decision-making.

FSIN serves as a neutral technical platform for exchanging expertise, knowledge and best practices, developing harmonized methods and tools, and facilitating capacity development on food and nutrition security measurement and analysis.


Institute of Land Adminstration - Bahir Dar University

The Institute of Land Administration in Bahir Dar University was established in 2006 by launching the first BSc program in Land Administration in Ethiopia. The establishment of the institute was initiated by the then Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use Authority (EPLAUA) of the Amhara National Regional State. Institute’s establishment was supported by Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden and financed by the Swedish government through Sida.

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