LANDac Conference 2022 | Land Portal
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LANDac, the Netherlands Academie on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development, is a partnership between Dutch organizations working on land governance. The partners are the International Development Studies (IDS) group at Utrecht University (leading partner), African Studies Centre, Agriterra, the Sociology of Development and Change (SDC) group at Wageningen University, the Land Portal Foundation, HIVOS, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Enclude Solutions.

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Governing land for the future

What (r)evolutions do we need?

Welcome to the LANDac International Conference of 2022!

29 June – 1 July

The LANDac Annual International Conference offers a podium for knowledge exchange between researchers, practitioners and private sector representatives working on land governance for equitable and sustainable development. Anticipating that restrictions for travel and large-scale events will still be in place, the LANDac Annual International Conference 2022 will be held in a hybrid format.

LANDac – the Netherlands Academy on Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development – brings together researchers, policy makers, development practitioners and business professionals in the field of land governance and development. This year’s conference ‘Governing land for the future - what (r)evolutions do we need?’ focuses on the future of land governance. More than a decade into the ‘land grab’ debate it is time to ask ourselves some tough questions and discuss what it takes to address today’s and tomorrow’s land issues. Do we need further evolution of current approaches, or rather a revolution in land governance thinking? While the early wave of mega land deals seems to have waned, on the ground alienation and dispossession continue unabated, if in more diverse and stealthy ways.

Pressures on land and other natural resources seem to be increasing, authoritarianism is omnipresent, and the violence against territorial defenders and human rights activists is increasingly worrying. As we review our efforts to address these issues the question arises: Should we tune the instruments at our disposal (“evolution”)? Or do we need a more radical re-think (“revolution”)?

We are looking forward to meet you on location or online, and to the fruitful discussions and hybrid sessions.

The Organizing Committee

Joanny Bélair (Utrecht University and LANDac), Wytske Chamberlain (LAND-at-scale, LANDac), Gemma van der Haar (Wageningen University and LANDac), Mayke Kaag (Leiden University), Divyani Kohli (ITC Twente), Ezra Litjens (LANDac), Lucy Mc Nally (LANDac), Guus van Westen (Utrecht University and LANDac).


Daily Bulletins of the LandAc Conference from the Land Portal





Registration and fees

The fee to join the full conference on-site is €200. If you would like to join us for a dinner, you pay an additional €25 as a contribution. For students and a limited number of other participants we are able to offer a reduced conference fee. Please contact us at if this applies to your situation. The fee to join the conference online is €50.





Wednesday 29 June

Location: Paushuize, Utrecht


Launch of the IOS Platform Fair Transitions


PhD session @ Janskerkhof 2-4, room 110




Welcome & Opening

Keynote speech by Laura German and Q&A


Short break


Keynote speech by Richard Sliuzas and Q&A


Key note speech by Pranab Ranjan Choudhury and Q&A





Thursday 30 June

Location: Janskerkhof, Utrecht

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5

Room 6

09:30-11:00 Parallel Sessions I

Governing frontiers of large scale land-based developments in Indonesia – Utrecht University, Universitas Gadjah Mada

LANDex Index study cases in Latin-America – Ecolex

Land Governance and land administration: what is needed to scale up the existing solutions – Kadaster, ITC Twente

Is the land sector prepared for the data revolution? – Land Portal Foundation

Reparations through commoning – Mas Newen, Aralez

The challenges of governing land in the context of climate change: rebuilding communities, the right to food and implications to rural livelihoods – Observatório do Meio Rural


Short break

11:15-12:45 Parallel Sessions II

Workshop: Governing frontiers of large scale land-based developments in Indonesia – Utrecht University, Universitas Gadjah

Ten Years After: A “reality check” on impact assessments of infrastructural projects – LANDac, WUR, Royal Haskoning DHV

Access to natural resources: conflict, regulation and marginalization of peripheral actors – Université catholique de Louvain

Experiences and tools for measuring secure tenure rights and improving the perceptions of tenure – Cadasta, ILC Africa

The Human Right to Land – do we need Human Rights based Land Governance and what could it deliver? - TMG Thinktank for Sustainability

The impact of climate change on traditional governance of land and natural resources – University of Otago




Parallel Sessions III

“Do No Harm” in theory and in practice: Exploring the fine line between benefiting and harming local communities in development – RVO LAND-at-scale

Creative partnerships for land: Reaching across sectors, constituencies, and geographies to find solutions – Land Portal Foundation

Why land tenure security is not enough: the need for a radical, justice oriented framework for land and resource rights – Transnational Institute

Using Technology to Promote Pro-Poor Land Formalization – Medici Land Governance, Inc

Land rights and human rights – University of Otago


Parallel Sessions IV

Successes and failures of the contemporary land rush: Exploring the causes and effects of stalled land grabs. – Utrecht University, Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Concordia University

Dealing with unexpected local impacts of land governance interventions - LANDac

Protecting land rights in conflict-affected settings; are existing instruments innovative enough? – WUR, RU, ZOA, TMG, Radboud University, Wageningen University

Key Challenges and Lessons Learned from Systematic Land Titling: Promoting Pro-Poor Land Rights in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals – Medici Land Governance, Inc

E-learning in land governance, a key to youth employability in Africa – Youth Initiative for Land in Africa, ITC University, NELGA

Energy and Climate Justice: A Community Gaze – Center for Land and Governance, NRMC, India


Dinner @ LE:EN (optional)


Friday 1 July

Location: Janskerkhof, Utrecht

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5

Room 6

09:30-11:00 Parallel Sessions V

Taking stock of the global land rush – Evolutions, impacts and perspectives for responsible investment – Land Matrix

Sustainable Land Management Model –Khorasane Razavi Agriculture and Natural Resources Center, Asia Ecosystem Institute, University of Applied Science and Technology

The impact of COVID-19 on rural livelihoods and access to land in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for the future – LANDac

The impact of Finance on Forests – Forest & Finance

Women’s Land Rights: What have we achieved and how to more forward? Experiences from the last ten years of Civil Society, Academia and Grassroot women’s leaders – Oxfam Novib, LANDac


Short break

11:15-12:45 Parallel Sessions VI

Governance by guidelines: Shifting regulatory regimes of agribusiness and plantation investments in Southeast Asia - Mekong Region Land Governance, Asia Research Institute

Brownfields to green energy: how land repurposing supports the World Bank’s Just Transition for All approach – World Bank

Sustaining and Scaling Tenure to Land and Forests: Challenges and Opportunities to achieve sustainable solutions at scale - RVO LAND-at-scale, The Tenure Facility

Land decision-making: how to improve land actors participation in the Arab World? – Land Policy Analysis Center, Morocco

Community-driven land rights advocacy; the power of grassroots voices on land governance – Professional Learning Network, LANDac




Parallel Sessions VII

Rethinking sustainability certification of tropical commodities in the context of changing foodscapes – Wageningen University

What can commons of the Iberian Peninsula northwest teach us about their role in sustainable rural development? Approach, function, and participation of multiple stakeholders – University Santiago de Compostela

Lessons from Impact Evaluations of National Land Administration Reform in Burkina Faso, Mongolia and Mozambique – Duke University, Cloudburst Group

Revolutions need revolutionaries: how to secure land rights wins in adverse political contexts – Oxfam Novib, Land Rights Now Campaign

Women’s Dispossession from Land and Home in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe – HLRN, SSA:UHSNET, CFHHZ, ZPLRM

Making land-based investment work for all? What is the touch stone? – Food Rights Alliance and Oxfam Novib


Plenary closing session




Dr. Laura German

  • Dr. Laura German, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Center for Integrative Conservation Research at the University of Georgia 

Laura German's scholarly interests are diverse, spanning academic and applied, critical and constructive research traditions, as well as the social and biophysical sciences. Themes of ongoing interest include land and environmental governance in the global South; the political and ontological roots of global inequality; and an orientation towards research traditions relevant to policy and practice. Her current research draws insight from critical legal, agrarian and development studies, contrasting development discourse with the ethnographic evidence to interrogate global land governance discourses and practices. This work is brought together in a book forthcoming with the University of Michigan Press entitled, Power/Knowledge/Land: Contested Ontologies of Land and its Governance in Africa. In addition to these academic pursuits, she is regularly engaged as a visiting lecturer for the International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training Taiwan (for the Regular Session on Land Policy for Sustainable Rural Development) and as a land governance consultant.




Richard Sliuzas

  • Prof. Dr. Richard Sliuzas, ITC Twente University, the Netherlands

Richard Sliuzas holds a PhD degree in Geographical Sciences from the Utrecht University. He is professor of urban planning for disaster risk reduction at the Faculty ITC, University of Twente, the Netherlands. Urban risk reduction strategies and urban informality are foci of his research. Research methods include aerial and satellite based data acquisition systems, spatio-temporal analysis and spatial modelling, community participation and mapping. He has worked extensively in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, South-East Asia and Latin America.





Pranab Ranjan Choudhury

  • Dr. Pranab Ranjan Choudhury, NRMC Center for Land Governance, India

Pranab Ranjan Choudhury leads Center for land Governance, a land think-tank in India and coordinates organization of annual India Land and Development Conference (ILDC). For more than 25 years, he has been working with South Asian governments, development actors, donors and communities around natural resources management and governance. Initially, as a Land Use Scientist and later, as researcher and consultant, his works has interfaced ecology, food security, climate change, green entrepreneurships, and livelihoods across land uses. His research and engagements around cross cutting issues intersecting land tenure, use, and technology, attempt to improve inclusive land tenure security and governance, while expanding and enriching land ecosystem.









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Blog post
LANDac International Conference 2022
Países Bajos

The 13th Annual LANDac Annual Conference is taking place in person next week in Utrecht, Netherlands, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began. All the conference sessions will also be accessible online to registered participants. LANDac brings together land governance stakeholders from around the world who might not otherwise meet, including academic researchers, the private, civil society, and policy makers.

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