Measuring land insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa | Land Portal
Prindex - Perceptions of tenure security

Prindex (PRINDEX)

PRIndex, the Global Property Rights Index, is a collaborative initiative between Global Land Alliance and the Overseas Development Institute (with staff from both organisations working on the project alongside expert consultants), that aims to develop and roll out the first global measurement of peoples’ perceptions of their property rights.

Language of the event: 

Can new data on citizen's perceptions drive positive change?

Free online event

Wednesday 2 December 2020

10.00 - 12.00 pm UTC

Register now

Prindex global data reveals a great deal of diversity in Africa in how secure people feel in their homes and on their land. Rwanda (8%) has one of the lowest rates of tenure insecurity in the world, whereas Burkina Faso (44%) has one of the highest.

The reasons behind this diversity include weak legal systems, overlapping statutory and customary regimes, poor enforcement, corruption, and land grabbing.

Join us for a presentation of Prindex findings on sub-Saharan Africa, followed by a panel discussion on using data on land and property insecurity to inform decision-making.

  • Opening remarks: Janet EDEME, Head of the Rural Economy Division of the AU Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (AU DREA) - TBC
  • Moderator : Dr Cheikh Oumar, Executive Director of IPAR

Speakers and key discussants:

  • Ibrahima KA, Prindex Regional Coordinator for Africa
  • Esther Muiru, Women's Land Rights Manager, International Land Coalition
  • Ruth Minja, Principal Statistician, Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics
  • Taibat Lawanson,‬ Associate Professor of Urban Planning, University of Lagos
  • Ward Anseeuw, Land Expert, CIRAD



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