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Community / Land projects / SCI Integrated ,Health , WASH, NFI and Protection Flood Response in River Nile Sep. 2021 for the affected po

SCI Integrated ,Health , WASH, NFI and Protection Flood Response in River Nile Sep. 2021 for the affected po


11/21 - 03/22


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Between 06 and 09 August 2021, heavy rains and riverine flooding led to the sudden damage and destruction of homes, property and other infrastructure across multiple parts of River Nile state, directly impacting over 39,000 people. This project is planned and designed to provide multi-sectoral response across the NFI, WASH, Health and Protection clusters to meet the immediate life-saving needs of the affected population, mitigate against significant increases in morbidity and mortality from disease, rehabilitate affected WASH infrastructure and Health Facilities, and provide additional support to the most vulnerable individuals. Following destruction of thousands of homes, families are living without adequate shelter. An immediate need therefore is for emergency shelter and NFIs for those displaced and who have lost property, including for mosquito nets to prevent vector-borne disease transmission. Save the Children with local partner Alla Ahub Atbara (A3CO) will procure and distribute 500 NFI kits to households that have had their homes completely destroyed. Lack of access to clean water in affected areas, with water points damaged and contaminated, creates a serious risk of increased disease as well as of water-borne and vector-borne diseases. There is a strong need for general hygiene materials across the flood-affected population with specific needs for menstrual hygiene and dignity kits for women and adolescent girls. Solid waste management clean-up campaigns and vector control are required in the flood-affected areas to manage the debris from the flooding and treat stagnant pools of water. SCI will rehabilitate and improve three emergency mini water yards, providing clean water to thousands of households, and will provide water treatment and quality monitoring supplies. SCI with local partner A3CO will procure and distribute 250 family hygiene kits including jerry cans for safe water storage, and 250 female dignity kits for women and girls of menstrual age. SCI will provide tools for solid waste management and will train health facility staff, as well as supporting Ministry of Health conduct vector control campaign across two localities whilst local partner A3CO will train hygiene promoters, lead hygiene promotion activities, and set up community committees to manage WASH infrastructure. With many health facilities directly impacted by damage of flooding, and with increased demand for health services caused by direct injury during flooding and by increased disease due to unhygienic and unsanitary living conditions, mobile clinics are needed to provide services temporarily to the affected population, especially those displaced, and meet the increased demand, whilst existing static facilities are restocked. SCI will operate a mobile health clinic for 3 months visiting the most-affected locations to provide essential primary health services, and will support pregnant women with clean delivery kits and wassist patients who need referral for secondary services, as well as providing essential supplies, equipment and furniture to existing Health Facilities to ensure ongoing quality care. There is greater risk of negative coping mechanisms due to economic insecurity following the loss of property, productive assets and livelihoods, and additional risks from lack of privacy whilst displaced. Two Community-based Child Protection Networks (CBCPNs) will be established and trained to share information on key protection risks, especially to children and risk reduction measures and the CBCPNs will support with the identification and referral of particularly vulnerable or at-risk individuals, for additional material support. SCI will also provide recreational materials and equipment for a multi-purpose community centre affected by the flooding, so that children are provided with a safe space in which to play.

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