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Community / Land projects / Strengthening consrevation of Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon and other endangered wildlife in the Southern Anna

Strengthening consrevation of Yellow-cheeked crested gibbon and other endangered wildlife in the Southern Anna


05/12 - 05/14


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This grant will: (a) identify key trade routes for wildlife, timber and other forest products flowing from Seima and the wider landscape in Vietnam towards Vietnamese markets; (b) identify key sites with remaining populations of yellow-cheeked crested gibbon and other endangered wildlife in the southern Annamites western slopes landscape in Vietnam; (c) create accurate, up-to-date land cover maps of the southern Annamites western slopes landscape; and (d) assess wildlife protection and crime prevention capacity in the southern Annamites western slopes landscape.....Specifically, the Recipient will: (1) produce, through GIS analysis, the first accurate map of land cover, land management units, transport infrastructure for areas adjacent to Seima Protected Forest and Snoul Wildlife Sanctuary; (2) carry out biological field surveys to identify key sites across the Southern Annamites Western Slopes landscape for Yellow-cheeked Gibbons and other key species (i.e. tiger prey, elephant, doucs); (3) assess enforcement capacity and effectiveness in Binh Phuoc and Dak Nong province including a training needs assessment, a review of inter-agency cooperation, a collation of provincial legislation on wildlife conservation/wildlife crimes, and a review of enforcement effort in key enforcement agencies; and (4) carry out interview surveys with local people and government staff to identify key trade routes for wildlife, timber and other forest products flowing from Cambodia into Vietnam.

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