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La Tierra en el Paraguay: de la desigualdad al ejercicio de derechos

Reports & Research
december, 2013

Durante las últimas décadas en América del Sur se dieron grandes revoluciones  agrarias en varios países, inmensas movilizaciones y revueltas sociales de campesinos e indígenas por la consolidación de sus territorios, avances legales nacionales y regionales importantes. También está clara una tendencia a la urbanización como expresión de “modernidad” y como la búsqueda de acceso a recursos y servicios que no llegan a las comunidades más lejanas. No cabe duda que los avances son mérito de las organizaciones sociales y la institucionalidad que la acompaña.

Agricultural policy reform and food security in China

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2013

In 1978, the rural reform began in China, and since then farmers, including the poor ones, have benefited from a steady growth in income and gradually strengthened food security. This article explains how China achieved food security in the past three decades, how the reform process has affected poverty reduction and what aims are established to deal with extreme poverty and child malnutrition for the period of 2011–2020.

Challenges Facing Land Ownership in Rural Tanzania: What needs to be done?

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2013

Currently, Tanzania faces numerous challenges related to land ownership, especially in rural areas. The challenges include farmers-pastoralists conflicts, tenure disputes, and alienation of peasants. To address the challenges, the current policies and approaches used in the country need to be changed on the grounds that their inherent shortcomings make the policies unable to meet rampant land problems that the country has faced in recent years and continue to experience.

Impacts of Climate Change on Land Use Patterns and Livelihoods of Pastoralists and Hunter Gathers

Reports & Research
november, 2013

Over the years, PINGOs Forum has been concerned with the future of Pastoral and HunterGatherer communities with regard to changing patterns of traditional land use and livelihoods options. The information gathered from the past studies have risen much concern on the side of PINGOs Forum that perhaps climate change may have a serious bearing in the land use patterns and livelihoods of Pastoralists and Hunter-gatherers. As a result of this concern, PINGOs Forum decided to embark on a study to observe changes that have occurred in land use patterns in recent years.

Improving pastoralist and hunter-gatherer interests in Tanzania’s constitution

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2013

The first draft of the Tanzanian constitution incorporates many provisions that will improve the rights and interests of pastoralists, huntergatherers and women in these communities.

 However, there remain some important outstanding issues that must be addressed in order to ensure adequate reform that protects these marginalized groups’ interests

Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2013

In northern Tanzania, new grassroots groups called Women’s Rights and Leadership Forums (WRLFs) are mobilizing women and men in pastoralist communities to promote and defend local land rights. This briefing highlights some of the WRLFs’ achievements and strategies; asks how these forums, which appear to be a part of an emerging grassroots social movement for land rights, can be further supported; and explores whether such forums could be replicated elsewhere in the region

Pastoralist Programme

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2013

Tanzania Natural Resource Forum in partnership with Care international implements a five years pastoralist programme (2012-2016) through registered Tanzanian Civil society Organizations (CSOs) and/or Community Based Organizations (CBOs) that work to improve the capacity of communities to overcome poverty, reduce vulnerability and strengthen the rights of men and women for sustainable livelihoods. This brief covers some highlights for 2013.

Community development and land acquisition plan for Ebenhaeser and Papendorp (CDLAP)

Reports & Research
november, 2013
South Africa

The key focus of this document is the settlement of the Ebenhaeser restitution claim in the Western Cape. This is guided by the Settlement Framework Agreement which was signed by the Community, the then Department of Land Affairs and the Commission on the Restitution of Land Rights in March 2005. 

The CDLAP has three main components:

Agriculture in Syria : Towards the Social Market

oktober, 2013

There are many reasons to believe that
Syrian agriculture has great potential for the future. The
liberalisation of agriculture in Eastern Europe delivered
rapid growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Countries
such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary,
Kazachstan, Romania and Russia achieved labour productivity
growth in constant US$ terms of over 7 percent between 1998
and 2004. Syria has a global comparative advantage in fruit

National Agriculture Policy

Legislation & Policies
september, 2013

The NAP 2013 aims at addressing challenges that continue to hinder the development of the agricultural sector; these include low productivity; over dependence on rain-fed agriculture; inadequate agriculture support services; poor infrastructure; weak agro-industries; low quality of agricultural produce; inadequate participation of the country’s private sector in agriculture; environmental degradation and crop pests and diseases.

The National Irrigation Act

september, 2013

An Act to provide the establishment of the National Irrigation Commission; to provide for the development,operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems; to provide for effective implementation of the National Irrigation Policy, the National Irrigation Development Strategy and to provide for related matters.