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Displaying 301 - 312 of 640

Land Grabbing and Political Transformation in Tanzania

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2012

Like many of its neighbors, Tanzania is experiencing a well-documented surge of land grabbing related to investments in industries such as agriculture, biofuels, tourism, hunting, and forestry. Land grabbing in Tanzania is best understood and analyzed as both a symptom of and contributor towards wider political economic processes of change occurring in Tanzania.

Understanding the effectiveness of access to khas land: Comparing khas land receivers to Non-Receivers

Reports & Research
september, 2012

This study highlights that access to khasland is a strongly political process where the collective movement played a pivotal role in shaping the livelihoods of land receivers. The paper shows that 1. khasland provides insurance and security through creating diverse income opportunities which can often mitigate the negative and long term impacts of shocks and allow khasland receivers to cope better with shocks 2. khasland allocation incentivises women’s engagement with labouring activities, household asset management, as well as their mobility within the village 3.

Returning Young Mexican Farmers to the Land

augustus, 2012

This note recounts that by the early
2000s, the Government of Mexico and the Secretariat of
Agrarian Reform, in particular, had come to see investment
in "the more dynamic young segment of the population
endowed with more human capital" as the key to
revitalizing the moribund rural economy of the
country's social sector. Approaching this objective
programmatically would entail establishing a land fund from

Colombia : The Role of Land in Involuntary Displacement

augustus, 2012

Internal displacement in Colombia has
become more prevalent and serious. Expulsion of land users
to gain territorial control is increasingly a tactical
element in the conflict. High land inequality makes it
easier to uproot populations. Providing assistance to
displaced populations does not reduce their propensity to
return. Together with other measures, a land policy that
increases tenure security for those at risk of displacement,

Brazil Land - Brazil Land-Based Poverty Alleviation Project

augustus, 2012

The Land-Based Poverty Alleviation
Project of Brazil is addressing one of the major factors
underlying poverty in the countryside: inadequate access to
land by the rural poor. Preceded by two highly successful
Bank-financed pilots, the project demonstrates the
large-scale viability of a community-based approach to land
reform. In the project beneficiary groups negotiate directly
with willing sellers for the purchase of suitable

Brazil - Innovation Increases Land Access and Incomes of Poor Rural Families

augustus, 2012

Brazil has developed a community-led,
market-based approach to land reform in which poor rural
laborers and farmers, either landless or with insufficient
land for subsistence, form beneficiary associations through
which to obtain financing to buy agricultural properties,
for which they negotiate directly with willing sellers. The
financing package includes complementary funds for
investments to enhance land productivity (water,

Land Policy and Administration as a Basis for the Sustainable Development of the Brazilian Amazon

augustus, 2012

There is enough land in the Amazon
region to satisfy Brazilian society's demands for
economic development, environmental management of a resource
base of global importance and the challenges of agrarian
reform. Yet Brazil has been unable to create a fully
coherent and manageable land policy and administration
system for the region which permits sustainable development
goals to be achieved while reconciling special interests and

A New Model of Public-Private Partnership for Land Access and Rural Enterprise Formation

augustus, 2012

The Honduras Land Access Pilot Project
(PACTA) from 2001-2006 supported the acquisition of land and
the formation of sustainable farm enterprises by
self-organized landless and land-poor peasant families. The
Government is now scaling up and diversifying the pilot into
a national program far more inclusive than the current
model. The SDR 6.2 million pilot project proved the
viability of a public-private partnership strategy, with the

Prioritization Through Participation : Agricultural Investments in Cameroon

augustus, 2012

Accounting for around a third of the
1996 Goss Domestic Product (GDP) of US$ 9 billion (second
only to oil), and almost three-fourths of all employment,
agriculture is a dominant sector of the Cameroonian economy.
Also, as in most African countries, poverty in Cameroon is
concentrated in rural areas, with more than 80 percent
(approximately 5.5 million) of all poor people living in
such areas. The Government of Cameroon's objectives