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Uzbekistan: Country Partnership Strategy (2019-2023)

Reports & Research
april, 2019

Uzbekistan has embarked on significant reforms since early 2017, aiming to improve the lives of ordinary citizens, enable business development, and open up to neighbors. The scale of changes is unprecedented. The new government aspires to modernize the country and to move it toward upper middle-income status. The formulation of the country partnership strategy (CPS) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is timely for supporting this reform agenda through investment financing, policy support, and capacity development.

Farm Restructuring in Uzbekistan: How Did It Go and What is Next?

Reports & Research
december, 2018

In January 2019, Uzbekistan started a new farm restructuring1. It is said to seek to optimize the use of farmland by increasing the size of farms producing wheat and cotton, reallocating land to more efficient farmers and even clusters, and improving crop rotation options. This is not the first time that this kind of farm restructuring in Uzbekistan takes place. The country has gone through several waves of farm restructuring and land reallocations. Both these processes were administratively managed, with little reference to market or income generation opportunities.

Land reform

december, 2018

A lot of aspects are commonly subsumed under the concept land reform. These range from redistribution to tenure and agrarian reform. What do these different concepts mean? Agrarian reform: this is the broadest term and refers to attempts to change the agrarian structure of a country. It typically includes land reform, tenure, the reform of agricultural support systems and the reform of the credit system.

Communal land

december, 2018

Communal land is one of the land tenure systems in Namibia, the other being freehold land tenure system. At independence in 1990,Namibia resolved to retain communal land on the basis that majority of the population derived their livelihoods from communal land.Notwithstanding the increasing urban population in the country since independence, the majority of the Namibian population still lives in the communal areas, and many of the urban-based population continue to have close relations in rural areas.

Concurrences spatiales, libre accès et insécurité foncière des éleveurs (sud-ouest du Burkina Faso)

Peer-reviewed publication
november, 2018
Western Africa
Burkina Faso

Date: 13 mai 2019

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Alexis Gonin (Université Paris Nanterre)


Dernière édition des Cahiers du Pôle Foncier : Concurrences spatiales, libre accès et insécurité foncière des éleveurs (sud-ouest du Burkina Faso)

Development of the Land Market in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018

The paper provides the analysis of improving the land reform in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors examine the main development stages of land ownership relations, during which the work has been performed to transform agricultural enterprises, privatize land and change the land use. The main legal acts, intended to regulate the issues of land ownership and territorial organization and creating conditions for the development of the land market, are shown.


Reports & Research
november, 2018

A Serrinha, trata-se de uma área de terra da União Federal, grilada e denominada Fazenda Serrinha, na Gleba Garimpo. A área foi ocupada em 15 de maio de 2012, por 34 famílias sem-terra da região de Araguaína/TO e Barra do Ouro/TO. A Serrinha está situada na Gleba Serrinha, no município de Barra do Ouro, distante 12 km do centro urbano e aproximadamente há 130 km de Araguaína.