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Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania

Reports & Research
december, 2011

This appendix takes output from the production and investment model and sets out further detail on the development profiles of each of the six clusters, providing projections of on-farm investment, last mile infrastructure, and necessary supporting agriculture and backbone infrastructure. From this, it details the resulting gross revenue and developmental impact of that investment


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2011
Eastern Asia

The main report is organized into three parts: part one provides the overall context by describing the level and evolution of poverty and inequality in the Philippines and by analyzing the factors that could be weakening the link between economic growth and poverty reduction. It also provides a brief profile of the poor. Part two addresses the first strategic component for fostering inclusive growth, which refers to the enhancement of income opportunities and ensuring greater labor mobility for the poor.

¿VECINOS TAN DIFERENTES? Guayaquil y Travesías. Dos entregas de tierras en el municipio de Córdoba, Quindío

Reports & Research
december, 2011

La pregunta que guió este trabajo fue ¿Cuáles son los resultados de las entregas directas de tierras realizadas por el INCORA por medio de la expedición de la Ley 160 de 1994? A partir de esta pregunta, el objetivo fundamental que se trazó fue analizar dos entregas de tierras realizadas por el INCORA en el municipio de Córdoba, Quindío en el marco de la Ley 160 de 1994. Este análisis se hizo desde el punto de vista de diferentes visiones teóricas y de historia política, social y económica que se han tenido sobre el problema de la distribución de la propiedad rural en Colombia.

Eficienţa economică a activităţii gospodăriei agricole consolidate în comuna Găuzeni raionul Șoldăneşti

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

The article argues the need for land consolidation in Moldova. Were examined two variants of activity of the farm household in the village Găuzeni district Şoldăneşti. Or led economic indicators that allow consolidated management of the farm household to choose the direction of activity.

Hacia una nueva definición de “rural” con fines estadísticos en América Latina

Reports & Research
november, 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean

Muy buen documento, escrito a varias manos y multiples casos, que desafía a continuar debatiendo las variables que utilizamos para definir lo rural, en contraposició a lo urbano, y las implicaciones que ha tenido y tiene en políticas públicas, inversiones, entre otros.
Va nuestra recomendación.

The Land Factor in Mining Gold Reserves in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2011

After three decades (following independence) of being overwhelmed by command-economy policies, in the 1980s the Tanzania’s gold mining industry benefited from policy reforms that started with the economic recovery programmes (ERP). These reforms freed in part the major means of production from state ownership. The accompanying paradigm shift allowed artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM) to register claims and retain much-needed foreign currency for rural development long before mining companies started operations.

Aligning and Harmonizing the Livestock and Land Policies of Tanzania

Reports & Research
november, 2011

In light of persisting land use conflicts and marginal productivity on village lands, a research in the captioned topic was deemed necessary. This report makes a review of policies on land and livestock agriculture behind the backdrop of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, policies on land and agriculture, and aspirations for land reform. Violations in land rights and prevailing tenure insecurity lasting for decades have skewed mindsets of many users and the land administrators. Policy implementation and enforcement are in dire need of enhancement.

Kilimo Kwanza and Small-Scale Producers: An Opportunity or a Curse?

Reports & Research
november, 2011

This study sought to follow up the implementation of the Kilimo Kwanza initiative with the view to establish reliable facts on its significance to small-scale producers, mainly peasants and pastoralists. To achieve this, the study began by examining the perception of small-scale producers about Kilimo Kwanza and it assessed their participation in the implementation process. Moreover, the study scrutinized the proposed amendment of the Village Land Act and its implication to small-scale produces if carried out.

Investigative Report on Biofuel Investments

Reports & Research
november, 2011

Increasing investments in biofuel production follow a shift of energy demand,in developed nations from fossil fuel to bio energyto run machines. Consequently, there has is an accelerated influx of investors from the Europe, Asia and Americain quest for productive and fertile lands.

Proponents of the biofuel investments say the investment will improve among other things, agricultural production, add value to local products and markets and improve social services such as roads infrastructure, health facilities, clean water supply and education.

The Politics of Investment in Large Scale Agricultural Ventures: Case of Mpanda Rukwa Tanzania

Reports & Research
november, 2011

Tanzania has always been a country in the spotlight over cases of land grabbing for various uses. Over the recent past there has been a lot of information in both print and electronic media of land being taken for various investment purposes. Little is known to the public of the deals the government is entering with these foreign investment companies that are eyeing Tanzania as a destination in agricultural investment. Investment in agricultural land has been a key driving force in Tanzania as a rush now has intensified in which agricultural land is being taken for various uses.

Public Interventions in Agriculture: with What Gender Implications

Reports & Research
november, 2011

The Study on Public Interventions in Agriculture: With What Gender Implications was conducted by ANSAF with the purpose to generate relevant data that shall facilitate better understanding on to what extent interventions in Agriculture considered the gender aspect to ensure equal participation of women, men, youth and other marginalized groups in the process.