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Issue Brief 4: China’s Loans and ODA and the Effects on Access to Land in the Philippines

Policy Papers & Briefs

This issue brief thus aims to:
• Contribute to enriching regional and national perspectives in
tackling China’s role in influencing policies and institutions of
other developing countries that are related to access to land and
tenurial security;
• Set a framework that will guide the research, the policy analysis,
and the advocacy relating to a developing country’s economic
partnership with China and its link to access-to-land issues;
• Provide an example of how country case studies vis-à-vis relations
with China can be developed.

Issue Brief 1: Land Issues in South Asia: Assesing SAARC

Policy Papers & Briefs
Southern Asia

This paper calls attention to the ambiguity of SAARC’s position
on the importance of land rights, as well as to the absence
of an official declaration from SAARC on land rights and issues
as these relate to farmers in the region. Judging by its official
documents, SAARC has no clear profile of the poor in South Asia.
At the minimum, SAARC needs to recognize the interrelatedness
of poverty alleviation, agricultural production, food security and
land rights/access to land. SAARC has yet to implement a program

Land Watch Asia Campaign Update - India

Policy Papers & Briefs

The Land Watch Asia campaign seeks to enhance access to and control of land through policy dialogue, capacity building, information sharing, and networking.  Seven national campaign updates highlight the major interventions and achievements of the various campaigns from 2010 to 2011 in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and the Philippines. Accomplishments at both the national and regional levels are presented in the regional campaign update.

Publicación de la FAO: Una visión del tema tierra/territorio orientada hacia los Pueblos Indígenas: un enfoque posible


La Declaración Final de la Conferencia sobre Reforma Agraria y Desarrollo Rural (CIRADR), celebrada en Marzo de 2006 en Porto Alegre, Brasil, ha inspirado las reflexiones iniciales:

Reconocemos que las políticas y prácticas para ampliar el acceso cierto a la tierra, al agua y demás recursos naturales y el suministro de servicios rurales deberían ser revisadas para lograr el completo respeto de los derechos y aspiraciones de la población rural, mujeres y grupos vulnerables, incluyendo comunidades rurales tradicionales e indígenas...”

Governing Land for Women and Men- A Technical Guide to Support The Achievement of Responsible Gender-Equitable Governance of Land tenure

Legislation & Policies

[via FAO] This technical guide aims to assist implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines by providing guidance that supports the Guidelines' principle of gender equality in tenure governance. The guide focuses on equity and on how land tenure can be governed in ways that address the different needs and priorities of women and men. It moves away from long-standing debates about gender equality in access to land, towards the mainstreaming of gender issues to achieve more gender-equitable participation in the processes and institutions that underlie all decision-making about land.

CSO Land Reform Monitoring in Asia

Reports & Research

This Publication, “CSO Land Reform Monitoring in Asia”, encapsulates the development of a land monitoring framework – initiated by ANGOC and the Land Watch Asia (LWA) campaign, in cooperation with the International Land Coalition (ILC) – and piloted in seven Asian countries.

ICARRD Resources

The International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development took place in Porto Alegre, Brazil in 2006. A summary Final Report on the conference can be found Here. Attached are the resources, presentations, and papers from the conference.

Putting the Cartel before the Horse...and Farm, Seeds, Soil and Peasants etc: Who Will Control the Agricultural Inputs?


ETC Group has been monitoring the power and global reach of agro-industrial corporations for several decades – including the increasingly consolidated control of agricultural inputs for the industrial food chain: proprietary seeds and livestock genetics, chemical pesticides and fertilizers and animal pharmaceuticals. Collectively, these inputs are the chemical and biological engines that drive industrial agriculture.

La ley de desarrollo agrario y la modernización

Journal Articles & Books

La Ley de Reforma Agraria de octubre de 1973, impuso severas penas a quienes mantenían la tierra explotada o inexplotada fuera del contexto de función social. El Estado aparece así no sólo como el ente que responde a las necesidades campesinas, aquel que sanciona las deficiencias sociales, sino también como aquel que conduce los hilos de las relaciones y no permite que el campesinado haga de la reforma agraria el campo de sus aspiraciones.

Monsieur le Capital e Madame la Terre: dos fundamentos teóricos às significações da reforma agrária

Reports & Research
Latin America and the Caribbean

GASTELO ACUÑA, Raul Patrício. Monsieur le Capital e Madame la Terre: dos fundamentos teóricos às significações da reforma agrária. 2009. 224f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2009.