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South Africa and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
juli, 2018
South Africa

Cooperation between South Africa and FAO has spanned a large range of areas, from interventions for agricultural development, food security and improved nutrition to support rural economic development and natural resources management. Recent focus areas for cooperation include engagement in SouthSouth Cooperation, with a particular focus on transboundary disease control, and resource mobilization through mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility and the Adaptation Fund.

Women’s Access to Land and Housing in Lesotho

Reports & Research
juni, 2018

Women need secure access to and control of land in order to realise their human rights. In order for the women to realise their land and inheritance rights it is important for the policy makers to have in place mechanisms and institutions to guide practice. This report sets out the status of women’s land and inheritance rights in Lesotho. The aim is to provide a consolidated baseline which can inform policy making, implementation and monitoring.


ICARDA Annual Report 2017: Pathways to impact for building thriving and resilient communities in dry areas

Reports & Research
juni, 2018
Northern Africa
Eastern Africa
Southern Asia
Western Asia
Syrian Arab Republic

Widespread heat waves, floods, and droughts last year were a strong reminder of the threats posed by climate change. In the non-tropical dry areas where ICARDA works we are becoming accustomed to record high temperatures and increasing water scarcity year on year. Resilience and climate change adaptation are at the heart of ICARDA’s new Strategic Plan 2017-2026 – a bold and ambitious effort to harness cutting-edge science and deliver the tools and technologies that smallholder farmers need to maintain agricultural production and protect their livelihoods.

NELGA Good Practices

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2018

The Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA) is a partnership of leading African universities and research institutions with proven leadership in education, training and research on land governance. Currently NELGA has more than 70 partner institutions in over 40 countries and is organized in 6 regional and  1 technical node supported by a Secretariat.

Zimbabwe and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
juni, 2018

Zimbabwe and FAO have partnered in development since the country joined the Organization in 1981. Cooperation

has grown in recent years, with interventions ranging from capacity development at the institutional level as well as

for extension staff and farmers to the creation of market linkages and a conducive policy environment. In providing

assistance, FAO focuses on improving income opportunities, strengthening food and nutrition security, and developing

sound policies across agriculture-related sectors, including forestry and fisheries.

A review of trends, constraints and opportunities of smallholder irrigation in East Africa

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2018

Smallholder irrigation expansion would signi cantly increase agricultural production, and reduce food insecurity and poverty levels in East Africa. This paper reviews literature on trends, constraints and opportunities of smallholder irrigation in four East African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Irrigation development has been slow in these countries, and has been mainly through traditional schemes.

Citizens' Monitoring in Forestry (Toolbox)

Training Resources & Tools
mei, 2018
South-Eastern Asia

This toolbox was designed to enable citizen-based monitoring of community forestry. These tools were developed using livelihoods monitoring framework due to its ability to holistically capture CF group's outputs. The information is categorized according to five livelihood capitals: natural, financial, physical, human and social.

The ABC Model

mei, 2018

How does one build up an analysis? And how does one create the link between the individual partial-analyses

in a problem-oriented project work? These are the two main issues that this booklet gives an overview of.

This document is a presentation of a way in which an analysis, a sub-project and a project can be structured.

The Sultanate of Oman and FAO

Institutional & promotional materials
mei, 2018

Oman enjoys a dynamic partnership with FAO, which was strengthened in 2012 with the opening of the FAO country

representation. Cooperation has focused on sustainable development of the food, agriculture and fisheries sectors, while

ensuring the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources. FAO’s support also focuses on the achievement of value added in

the priority areas identified by Oman.

Land Disputes In African Agri-Investments

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2018

Research shows that land disputes are increasingly common, exposing businesses to severe risks at the project level. The problem is endemic and growing – companies want evidence-based approaches to address this new reality and understand their exposure to risk. The Quantifying Tenure Risk (QTR) financial model blends verified company data with detailed case research to accurately assess tenure risk and provide tailored support to investors and businesses. 

Valuation of Unregistered Lands: A Policy Guide

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2018

This guide aims to support the process of valuation of unregistered land and property for the public and private agencies that undertake this exercise. It will be relevant for policy makers, local authorities, international finance institutions, investors, property developers, banks, civil society organisations, citizens, land owners, local communities and women’s groups.

En defensa de Nuestros Derechos

Reports & Research
april, 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

The native communities of San Martín and its representative organizations face innumerable challenges in relation to their lands and territory, environment, governance, identity, justice and physical integrity, among others. For many years the land titling process was stagnant due to lack of funding, but today, with the presence of several projects that have considerable sums destined to the degree, the natives are be prepared and trained in this subject, as well as in the multiplicity of issues that challenges them.