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Displaying 241 - 252 of 1254

Housing Finance

mei, 2016

Access to adequate housing is critically
important to the health and wellbeing of the world’s
population. Yet, despite the fact that this statement is
part of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and has been on the global policy agenda for many
years, hundreds of millions of people continue to live in
inadequate conditions with little or no access to decent
housing. The demand for housing solutions will increase as

Co-Benefits of Disaster Risk Management

mei, 2016

Many ex ante measures taken to reduce
disaster risk can deliver co-benefits that are not dependent
on disasters occurring. In fact, building resilience to
climate extremes and disasters can achieve multiple
objectives. These are secondary to the main objective of
disaster risk management of avoiding disaster losses, but
identifying and measuring additional co-benefits can enhance
the attractiveness of disaster risk management investments.

Myanmar-World Bank Group Partnership

april, 2016

Myanmar grew at an estimated 8.5 percent
in real terms in 2014-15. Economic reforms have supported
consumer and investor confidence despite business
environment and socio-political challenges. The economic
impact of the floods that hit Myanmar from July 2015 is
still being assessed, but will likely adversely affect the
main rice crop this year. According to preliminary analysis
of census data, the areas most affected by the floods are

Improving Investment Climates

april, 2016

(covering the activities of IBRD/IDA), the Operations Evaluation Group (covering IFC), and
the Operations Evaluation Unit (covering MIGA). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess
the effectiveness of the World Bank Group (WBG) in helping its member countries improve
their investment climates, within the context of the WBG’s overall mission of poverty
reduction and sustainable development. Its findings and recommendations provide guidance for
the WBG’s future strategy and activities in this area. The evaluation was conducted in parallel

Framework for evaluating Continuum of Land Rights scenarios

Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2016

This report develops a framework for evaluating continuum of land rights scenarios. Building on existing evaluation initiatives that focus on land tenure and the associated administrative systems, the report addresses an important gap by providing a framework for evaluating land rights scenarios along the continuum of land rights according to the purposes of a particular evaluation.

Water Resource Software

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2016
Southern Asia

This document provides an overview of how water resource software’s (WRS) are used to manage water resources issues, criteria for WRS selection, and a high level review of WRS currently available that central and state governments of India can use for water management. The water resource issues covered include water allocation and planning, flood management, groundwater management, conjunctive use, water quality, and sediment transport.

Trade Facilitation for Global and Regional Value Chains in SACU

maart, 2016

In this context, this note summarizes
the findings of a recent World Bank, SACU Secretariat
assessment of regional trade facilitation based on the Trade
and Transport Facilitation Assessment (TTFA) methodology.
The assessment looks at regional trade facilitation through
the lens of value chains, with the objective to understand
how the region’s trade and transport environment could be
improved to facilitate more extensive and deeply integrated

Factory Southern Africa?

maart, 2016

Once concentrated among a few large
economies, global flows of goods, services, and capital now
reach an ever-larger number of countries worldwide. Global
trade in goods and in services both increased 10 times
between 1980 and 2011, while foreign direct investment (FDI)
flows increased almost 30-fold. A value chain is global when
some of these stages are carried out in more than one
country, most notably when discrete tasks within a

Unlocking Firm Level Productivity and Promoting More Inclusive Growth

maart, 2016

Rapid and consistent economic growth of
Ethiopia over the past decade has contributed to reducing
the number of people living in poverty. The Government of
Ethiopia has created the growth and transformation plan
(GTP), focusing on two overarching themes: fostering
competitiveness and employment, and enhancing resilience and
reducing vulnerabilities. This plan recognizes that for
poverty reduction and economic growth to be sustainable, the

Issues and Options for Improving Engagement between the World Bank and Civil Society Organizations

maart, 2016

The purpose of this paper is to assess
the World Bank's recent relations with civil society
organizations (CSOs), that is, nongovernmental organizations
and not-for-profit organizations, and to propose options for
promoting more effective civic engagement in Bank-supported
activities and managing associated risks in the future. The
analysis in this paper points to four main issues and
challenges for the Bank as it seeks to achieve more