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Fulfilling the Housing Dreams of Microfinance Clients

december, 2015

Rahees Mohammed and his wife lived in a
rented house in a slum and had one wish - to build a house
that will be a permanent home for the whole family. Aadhar
Housing Finance Private Limited can help Rahees realize his
dream by offering a housing finance product that
corresponded to his needs, preferences, and capacities. This
smart lesson, building on Aadhar’s experience and that of
other housing finance clients in South Asia, provides a

Urbanization Trends in Bolivia

december, 2015

This note is a summary of a report that
considers urban areas as the complement to rural areas that
will allow the Plurinational State of Bolivia to achieve the
goals set forth in its Patriotic Agenda for the Bicentennial
2025. The report uses data available at the national level
from censuses and household surveys from the National
Statistics Institute (INE) and the Social and Economic
Policy Analysis Unit of the Ministry of Development Planning

Paraiba State, Brazil

december, 2015

This report is comprised of two volumes:
(i) volume one: risk assessment; and (ii) volume two: risk
management strategy. Volume one continues with chapter one,
which characterizes the recent performance of the
agriculture sector, including agro-climatic and market
conditions. It also identifies the productive systems used
for this analysis. Chapter two describes the main risks in
the agricultural sector, capturing market, production, and

Bahia State, Brazil

december, 2015

The present study is part of an effort
by the World Bank and the State of Bahia to assess
agriculture sector risks as a contribution to the strategic
economic development and poverty reduction agenda of the
state government. It is composed of two phases: an
agricultural sector risk identification and prioritization
(volume one) and a risk management strategy and action plan
(volume two). The study provides practical elements for the

Withdrawal from Correspondent Banking

december, 2015

Correspondent banking services are
essential to enabling companies and individuals to transact
internationally and make cross-border payments. Recently
there have been indications that certain large international
banks have started terminating or severely limiting their
correspondent banking relationships with smaller local and
regional banks from jurisdictions around the world. To find
out whether this is indeed happening, the World Bank, with

Doing Business Reform Memorandum

december, 2015

Bulgaria experienced strong economic
growth prior to and shortly after joining the European Union
(EU) in 2007. Under the better regulation program, the
government adopted over 100 measures to reduce the
regulatory and administrative burden, but no formal
mechanism was introduced to regularly monitor and review its
implementation at the national or municipal level. Some
areas, in which entrepreneurs expected to see improved

Doing Business in Poland 2015

december, 2015

Poland’s economic growth over the last
25 years has been spectacular. In that period, Poland has
more than doubled its income per capita and became a
European growth champion. It was the only EU country to
avoid a recession in 2009. Its current GDP growth rate is
strong. Poland seems to be on the brink of its new ‘golden
age.’ Doing Business in Poland 2015 is the first subnational
report of the Doing Business series in Poland. It measures

Climate and Disaster Resilience of Greater Dhaka Area

december, 2015

Megacity Dhaka encounters various kinds
of natural disasters quite frequently owing to its
geographical location and a number of other physical and
environmental conditions including low topography, land
characteristics, multiplicity of rivers and the monsoon
climate. Climate and disaster resilience is not the same in
all parts of a city. Spatial variations in resilience
patterns result from differences in the strengths and

Lithuania and FAO

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2015

Lithuania became an official member of FAO in 1991, and FAO has since contributed more than €4.3 million to finance over 20 projects in the country. These initiatives centred on developing capacities in multiple sectors, including agriculture, forestry, fisheries, livestock and the environment. In recent years, Lithuania has contributed to FAO’s activities in sustainable forest management by supporting the negotiations of the legally binding agreement on forests (LBA) in Europe.

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and FAO

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2015
North Macedonia

The partnership between FAO and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has grown steadily since the country became a member of the Organization in 1993. Cooperation has spanned a wide array of country and regional initiatives in areas such as the wine sector, land tenure and management, obsolete pesticide management and climate change adaptation in rural areas. Across the spectrum, there has been a continual emphasis on national capacity building, with a more recent focus on aligning Macedonia’s agriculture and rural sectors with European Union standards.

سلطنة عُمان ومنظمة الأغذية والزراعة

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2015

منذ انضمام عُمان إلى المنظمة في عام 1971، قدمت المنظمة المساعدات التقنية بهدف تحقيق التنمية المستدامة في قطاع الأغذية والزراعة، مع ضمان صون الموارد الطبيعية وتطويرها واستخدامها بصورة رشيدة ومستدامة، وقد ازداد نطاق التعاون في عام 2012 مع افتتاح ممثلية المنظمة في مسقط. كما يركز الدعم الذي تقدمه المنظمة على المساعدة في تحقيق قيمة مضافة في المجالات ذات الأولوية التي حددتها عُمان