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Enhancing the Livelihoods of the Rural Poor through ICT - A Knowledge Map

april, 2015

The major objective of the study was to
come up with illustrative success stories as well as
failures to give lessons on ICT interventions in the area of
rural livelihoods and their impact in Tanzania. The key
issues addressed in this study were: 1) common ICTs used by
the rural poor in Tanzania; 2) which ICTs are regarded as
attractive by different groups and why; 3) the use of ICTs
by different age cohorts as part of their livelihoods

GREEN Mekong Program Factsheet (Vietnamese)

Institutional & promotional materials
maart, 2015
South-Eastern Asia

Chương trình Công bằng cho người dân và tăng cường mạng lưới ở khu vực Mekong (viết tắt GREEN Mekong) do USAID tài trợ giúp xây dựng năng lực của các nhà hoạch định chính sách và các thành phần liên quan ở cấp cơ sở trong khu vực hạ lưu sông Mekong trong việc tham gia hiệu quả vào các quá trình đa thành phần trong khu vực và trên toàn quốc liên quan tới việc giảm thiểu biến đổi khí hậu từ rừng, đồng thời tăng cường hợp tác khu vực, đẩy mạnh chia sẻ thông tin và thiết lập mạng lưới.

The GREEN Mekong Challenge Fund FINAL REPORT: Center for Sustainable Development in Mountainous Areas (CSDM)

Reports & Research
maart, 2015

Center for Sustainable Development in Mountainous Areas – CSDM signed with GREEN Mekong a project: “Wider awareness on Grassroots Equity in Forests and Climate Change for ethnic minority in northern mountainous provinces of Vietnam”, from April 2014 – November 2014 (total 8 months). This is the final report. 

Mining & Communities: Supporting human rights-based development in the context of industrial mining in Guinea

Manuals & Guidelines
maart, 2015

This illustrated guide provides a very basic overview of what local authorities and communities should be aware of if a mining project is planned on or near their territory. It includes infirmation on:

● the law, human rights and actors’ roles and responsibilities

● Conflict and violence prevention and tools

● Addressing and minimising impacts on land ● What people can do if they have concerns.

This resource is part of the CCSI’s Directory of Community Guidance on Agreements Relating to Agriculture or Forestry Investment.

Guinea-Bissau Country Economic Memorandum : Terra Ranca! A Fresh Start

maart, 2015

After decades of turmoil and
instability, a period of calm and progress evolved in
Guinea-Bissau in 2009. A military coup in April 2012
interrupted it. A fresh start is needed to alter the
dynamics that kept Guinea-Bissau poor. In 2013, Gross
National Income per capita was US$590. Average economic
growth barely kept pace with population growth. In 2010,
poverty at the national poverty line of US$2 a day was 70

Myanmar Investment Climate Assessment : Sustaining Reforms in a Time of Transition

maart, 2015

This is the first investment climate
assessment (ICA) for Myanmar. The main objectives of this
ICA are to: (i) provide an up-to-date and fact-based
analysis of the business environment for the government and
other stakeholders in Myanmar to help prioritize and
contextualize the reform agenda, and (ii) to offer a
baseline for future assessments of progress in terms of the
investment climate reform agenda. As requested by the

Private Sector Involvement in Road Financing

maart, 2015

Achieving private sector involvement in
financing, provision and management of roads requires
specialized legal and institutional frameworks, public
sector expertise, advisor support and sustained political
commitment. In many African States, there is little
experience of private sector involvement in the road sector
but there is encouragement to promote such involvement from
development partners. Increased private sector involvement

Reviving Trade Routes : Evidence from the Maputo Corridor

maart, 2015

Most trade moves along a few
high-density routes: the corridors. Improving their
performance has emerged as a necessary ingredient for growth
and integration into the regional and global economy. In
Africa, this is recognized at the continental level, where
program for infrastructure development in Africa (PIDA) has
identified 42 corridors that should form a core network for
regional integration and global connectivity. Several

Good Policies and Practices on Rural Transport in Africa : Monitoring and Evaluation

maart, 2015

This publication is part of a series
aimed at promoting good policies and practices on rural
transport in Africa. A recent review of the status of Rural
Transport Knowledge Products and Practice (Riverson, 2012)
identified a number of knowledge gaps and recommended the
production of working papers to address these. One of these
gaps was the absence of robust tools, including relevant
indicators and instruments, to measure the impact of rural

Solomon Islands

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2015
Solomon Islands
Eastern Asia

This report aims to build understanding of the existing disaster risk financing and insurance (DRFI) tools in use in the Solomon Islands and to identify gaps where engagement could further develop financial resilience. It also aims to encourage peer exchange of regional knowledge, specifically by encouraging dialogue on past experiences, lessons learned, optimal use of these financial tools, and the effect these tools may have on the execution of post-disaster funds.

The Art and Science of Benefit Sharing in the Natural Resource Sector

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2015

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to theunderstanding and discussion of how the costs andbenefits of natural resource development are sharedacross society. This paper presents how IFC, as both aninvestor and a development organization, determineswhether benefits and costs are shared reasonably, and how this assessment influences IFC’s decision to invest ina particular natural resource project. the goal of the paper is to promotea broad, constructive dialogue across stakeholders—governments, investors, civil society, and others—around benefit sharing.

SMEs and Women-owned SMEs in Mongolia : Market Research Study

februari, 2015

Chapter one summarizes the scope of the
study and outlines its key objectives. It explains the
rationale for collecting data on SMEs in Mongolia in general
and women-owned SMEs in particular. It also provides
recommendations for integrating the insights form the study
into the on-the-ground practice of SME banking, as well as
potential interventions on the regulatory and policy level.
Chapter two begins with the analysis of the general