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Displaying 481 - 492 of 1254

Belarus Agricultural Productivity and Competitiveness : Impact of State Support and Market Intervention

juli, 2014

Productivity in Belarus'
agricultural sector has improved considerably, but large
parts of crop and livestock production are not
internationally competitive. The state's regulatory and
fiscal support system for agriculture has been instrumental
in improving the sector's performance. But the massive
distortions to agricultural incentives it creates to prevent
the sector from reaching its full potential. And the high

The Global Integrated Pest Management Facility

juli, 2014

At the request of the World Bank's
Executive Board, the Bank's Operations Evaluation
Department (OED) has been conducting an evaluation of the
Bank's involvement in global programs. The Phase 1
Report titled The World Bank's Approach to Global
Programs focused on the strategic and programmatic
management of the Bank's global portfolio of 70
programs in five Bank Networks (a cluster of closely related

Training Module on Khas (State) land Laws and Management

Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2014

This training module is developed by Uttaran for its field level beneficiaries of Sustainable Access to Land Equalities (SALE) project. Initially some selected trainers are trained up on the basis of this module. Afterwards the selected trainer group will provide the training to the members of primary organization which is developed by Sustainable Access to Land Equalities (SALE) project of Uttaran. So those who facilitate this training workshop will have to have the sound knowledge about this training module.

The workshop on the assessment of the Services provided by the Land administration

Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2014

The assessment workshop organised in order to know about the strength and weakness of land administration from the experience of staff of different projects of UTTARAN. Secondly the workshop was organised to know the challenges faced by the landless people in accessing Khas (state) Lands (Legal, Social and Cultural) in Bangladesh in practices.

Lao PDR : Trade and Transport Facilitation Assessment

juni, 2014

In Lao People's Democratic Republic
(PDR), the value of trade has risen rapidly over the last
decade with both imports and exports increasing by average
annual rate of 24 percent. This report examines the trade
logistics of Lao PDR. A trade and transport facilitation
assessment was performed using a standardized toolkit and
methodology developed by the World Bank to evaluate the
quality of the logistics services. The assessment focused on

Trade and Cities

juni, 2014

Many developing countries display
remarkably high degrees of urban concentration that are
incommensurate with their levels of urbanization. The cost
of excessively high levels of urban concentration can be
very high in terms of overpopulation, congestion, and
productivity growth. One strand of the theoretical
literature suggests that such high levels of concentration
may be the result of restrictive trade policies that trigger

China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy (2013-2020)

juni, 2014

This report presents the outcome of the
World Bank's analytical and advisory work to assess the
status of water resources development and the key water
issues and challenges facing the country. The Bank has also
reviewed its history of cooperation with the Government of
China in recent decades, and notes the remarkable
achievements China has made in developing the water sector.
The report proposes solutions for tackling the enormous

Growth Poles Program : Political Economy of Social Capital

juni, 2014

The Government of Sierra Leone (GosL)
and the World Bank (WB) have agreed upon the design and
implementation of a growth poles program (GPP) in support of
the agenda for prosperity (A4P), the GoSL's third
poverty reduction strategy paper (PRSPIII). With support
from the European Union competitive industries and
innovation practice trust fund, the WB has been undertaking
a series of scoping and diagnostic analyses on the GPP since

Zambia's Jobs Challenge : Realities on the Ground

juni, 2014

In September 2013, the World Bank
launched the second Zambia economic brief, entitled
Zambia's jobs challenge: realities on the ground. This
report presents response of the youth to the facts and
figures shared in the Zambia economic brief. It gives a
broad range of discussion, often provocative, as to how
Zambia's employment challenges can be tackled. It
discusses the issues as diverse as cultural mind-set,

Watershed Development in India : An Approach Evolving through Experience

juni, 2014

This report analyses the experiences and
lessons from three World Bank-Supported watershed
development projects in the Indian states of Karnataka,
Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.5 The primary reason for
the analysis was to guide the development and execution of
new watershed programs in India, including new
Bank-supported state-level operations in Uttarakhand and
Karnataka, and a proposed national project now under