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Displaying 697 - 708 of 1254

Forestry in the Middle East and North Africa : An Implementation Review

juni, 2013
Northern Africa
Western Asia

In the Middle East and North Africa
Region, forest resources are generally limited, as is their
contribution to GDP, and it is for this reason their
importance is often overlooked. However, forestry's
contribution to natural resource and environmental
management, is significant, which should not be
underestimated. The report, implemented as an input to the
development of a Bank Forestry Strategy in guiding its work

The Little Data Book 2001

juni, 2013

This report is a pocket edition of the
"World Development Indicators (report no. 22099)."
It is intended as a quick reference for users of the World
Development Indicators 2001" book and CD-ROM, and of
the World Bank Atlas, which between them cover more than 600
indicators spanning more than 30 years. The 207 country
pages in this report present the latest available data for
World Bank members and other economies with populations of

Climate-responsive Social Protection

mei, 2013

In the years ahead, development efforts
aiming at reducing vulnerability will increasingly have to
factor in climate change, and social protection is no
exception. This paper sets out the case for
climate?responsive social protection and proposes a
framework with principles, design features, and functions
that would help Social Protection (SP) systems evolve in a
climate?responsive direction. The principles comprise

Guideline for Bhumi Committee_Uttaran Experiences

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2013

Land survey and settlement is an irregular work therefore most land owners are ignorant or unconscious about this matter, as a result later on they fall in trouble about ownership. Especially, poor and marginalized land owners are mostly affected. At the time of survey the land owner face a great problem if the land is not recorded properly. Participation of people are really limited in most publicly administrated government works. As there is no participation of people, lots of great idea turn into failure. It is important to know and understand any people related works.

Increasing Resilience to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector in the Middle East : The Cases of Jordan and Lebanon

april, 2013

The increasing resilience to climate
change in the agricultural sector report presents
local-level priorities, informed by stakeholder input, to
build agricultural resilience in both countries. The
objectives of this study were threefold: (1) to improve the
understanding of climate change projections and impacts on
rural communities and livelihoods in selected regions of
Jordan and Lebanon, specifically the Jordan River Valley and

Review of World Bank Engagement in the Irrigation and Drainage Sector in Azerbaijan

april, 2013

The sector review includes seven
chapters and one annex. This first chapter is an overview of
agriculture, irrigation and the purpose and content of this
report. The second chapter provides a review of the Bank s
own strategy and priorities for irrigation and drainage
within its portfolio of investments, from the time of its
2004 Strategy until the present. It also includes a short
summary of key lessons learned in this sector. The third

Does Gender Inequality Hinder Development and Economic Growth? Evidence and Policy Implications

april, 2013

Does the existing evidence support
policies that foster growth by reducing gender inequality?
The authors argue that the evidence based on differences
across countries is of limited use for policy design because
it does not identify the causal link from inequality to
growth. This, however does not imply that
inequality-reducing policies are ineffective. In other
words, the lack of evidence of a causal link is not in

Development and Climate Change : A Strategic Framework for the World Bank Group

april, 2013

The framework provided a road map for
climate action for the World Bank Group (WBG) over fiscal
years 2009-11, setting out the WBG's objectives,
principles, areas of focus, and major initiatives in the
field of climate change. The framework was organized around
six action areas: 1) supporting climate actions in
country-led development processes; 2) mobilizing additional
concessional and innovative finance; 3) facilitating the

Looking Beyond the Horizon : How Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Responses Will Reshape Agriculture in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2013

This volume presents a synthesis of the multi-country collaborative program of analytical and advisory activities titled reducing vulnerability to climate change in European and Central Asian (ECA) agricultural systems. Climate change and its impacts on agricultural systems and rural economies are already evident throughout the ECA region. Adaptation measures now in use in the region-largely piecemeal efforts-would be insufficient to prevent impacts on agricultural production over the coming decades.

Kabul : Urban Land in Crisis

maart, 2013

Afghanistan is one of the poorest and
longest suffering countries among members of the World Bank,
and has been ravaged by chronic conflict and political
instability. Afghanistan's infrastructure has been
destroyed or degraded; its human resource base severely
depleted; and its social capital eroded. Despite existing
public administration structures, the majority of state
institutions are only beginning to function effectively, and

Growing Africa

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2013
Burkina Faso
Sub-Saharan Africa

This report highlights the great potential of the agribusiness sector in Africa by drawing on experience in Africa as well as other regions. The evidence demonstrates that good policies, a conducive business environment, and strategic support from governments can help agribusiness reach its potential. Africa is now at a crossroads, from which it can take concrete steps to realize its potential or continue to lose competitiveness, missing a major opportunity for increased growth, employment, and food security. The report pursues several lines of analysis.