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Displaying 241 - 252 of 565

Uruguay : The Rural Sector and Natural Resources,
Volume 1. Main Report

augustus, 2013

The report reviews the macroeconomic
perspectives of Uruguay, focused on its rural development
and natural resources intensive sectors, to form the basis
for expanding agricultural production, and increasing
productivity. It reviews the country's sectoral
composition, exports of natural resource intensive products,
and labor and capital use, as well as the tax burden.
Although agriculture represents less than ten percent of the

UNCCD – the accord for global land stewardship

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2013

With more than 900 million people world-wide affected by chronic hunger, international action on soil conservation is urgently required. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) enjoys substantial support, and the author of this article demonstrates that it could play a key role as a global policy and monitoring framework in addressing land and soil degradation.

Cambio climático, comunidades y desarrollo

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2013
South America

El autor del presente artículo establece como punto de partida para su análisis que es mejor hablar de Cambio Ambiental Global, es decir, aquellas modificaciones que se vienen produciendo en  los sistemas Tierra, Atmósfera, Océanos y Biosfera, que resulta ser más amplio y complejo que el cambio climático.
Cambio climático, comunidades y desarrollo
Fernando de la Cuadra*

Livestock Development : Implications for Rural Poverty, the Environment, and Global Food Security

juni, 2013

This report provides recommendations on
how to better manage ongoing changes in livestock
development. First, it presents an overview of the main
trends that can be expected to drive the sector over the
next decades. Second it discusses the negative or positive
social, environmental, and health repercussions of those
trends, and the institutional, policy, and technical
requirements needed to manage them. It concludes with a

Forestry in the Middle East and North Africa : An Implementation Review

juni, 2013
Northern Africa
Western Asia

In the Middle East and North Africa
Region, forest resources are generally limited, as is their
contribution to GDP, and it is for this reason their
importance is often overlooked. However, forestry's
contribution to natural resource and environmental
management, is significant, which should not be
underestimated. The report, implemented as an input to the
development of a Bank Forestry Strategy in guiding its work

Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Development : An Evaluation of the World Bank's Performance

juni, 2013

Substantial improvement has been done by
the Bank in its environmental performance since 1987. The
Bank focused on the environment as a new area of activity,
and it has sought to mitigate the negative environmental
effects of its development interventions. The Bank's
participation in the 1992 United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development, and the 1992 World Development
Report on the environment, demonstrated the Bank's

Economics of Climate Change in the Arab World : Case Studies from the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, and the Republic of Yemen

april, 2013

This Economics of Climate Change in the
Arab World is presents detailed case studies on the impacts
of climate change in the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, and
the Republic of Yemen that were summarized. The Arab region
is already being impacted by climate change through more
frequent cyclones, floods, and prolonged droughts. Thousands
of rural producers have seen their crops and herds
devastated by extreme conditions, and have been forced to

Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change : Ghana, Volume 2. Annexes

april, 2013

The report is organized as follows. The
next section puts the study into context by briefly
discussing the global EACC study and the EACC methodology,
which was applied in this study at a more disaggregated
level. The section highlights the differential impacts of
climate change among different regions of the world,
including Africa. Chapter three presents an overview of the
methodology used, including the key assumptions. An effort

Environment Matters at the World Bank, 2007 Annual Review : Climate Change and Adaptation

april, 2013

This edition of environment matters
arrives just as the international community embarks on a
two-year process to secure a new global framework to limit
the amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs) entering the
atmosphere and devise ways to help developing countries
adapt to and prepare themselves for the effects of climate
change. At the World Bank, the author believe that climate
change, and developing countries' adaptation to it, is

Intensification of Livestock Production Systems in the North West Region of Cameroon : A South-to-South Collaboration for Technology Transfer, The Tugi Silvopastoral Project

maart, 2013

The Tugi Silvo-pastoral Project (TUSIP)
is a South-South Cooperation between the Tropical
Agriculture Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE)
based in Costa Rica (www.catie.ac.cr) and the Akwi Memorial
Foundation (AMF) based in the North West Region of Cameroon.
The main goal of TUSIP was to assess the environmental
benefits of a set of silvo-pastoral practices and to empower

Priorities for the Development of Smallholder Agriculture in Swaziland

maart, 2013

The purpose of this policy note is to
contribute to an understanding of the factors that combine
to constrain the development of smallholder agriculture in
Swaziland. It seeks to shed light on why, despite being
well-endowed in land and water resources, and despite having
a climate that is generally favorable for the production of
crops and livestock, Swaziland is obliged to import
substantial amounts of food to feed the population. Also,

Improving Water Management in Rainfed Agriculture : Issues and Options in Water-Constrained Production Systems

maart, 2013

Due to climate change and increasing
food prices, emphasis needs to be placed on addressing water
management as a key determinant for agricultural production
and productivity. However, governments and donors have
tended to pay relatively little attention to this area, and
investments remain low. This report, which is based on
economic and sector work carried out in the Water Anchor of
the World Bank, highlights the importance of improving water