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Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts

Manuals & Guidelines
augustus, 2021

Investment in agriculture is essential for sustainable development, in particular for achieving food security, adequate nutrition, decent employment, poverty reduction and environmental protection. In seeking to attract agricultural investment, many governments and local communities have entered into Agricultural Land Investment Contracts (ALIC).

Cumplicidade e Destruição IV

Reports & Research
juli, 2021
América do Sul

A quarta edição do relatório Cumplicidade na Destruição, realizado em parceria entre a Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil e a Amazon Watch resgata brevemente a trajetória da mineração de larga escala no Brasil, em especial seu histórico de avanço sobre os povos indígenas, e destaca o novo ímpeto que a atividade ganhou durante o governo de Jair Bolsonaro. Rios contaminados, florestas devastadas, comunidades inteiras sem acesso à água – quando não foram destruídas ou levadas pela lama tóxica.

Climate Risk Country Profile: Armenia

Reports & Research
mei, 2021

This publication synthesizes climate characteristics and projections, vulnerability to natural hazards, sectoral climate change impacts, and adaptation priorities in Armenia. It outlines rapid onset and long-term changes in key climate parameters, as well as the impact of these changes on communities, livelihoods, and economies—many of which are already underway. The publication is part of a series of climate risk country profiles published jointly by ADB and the World Bank Group.

Thailand’s Community Forest Act: Analysis of the legal framework and recommendations

Reports & Research
mei, 2021

Thailand is undergoing an important development in its forestry laws. When the Community Forest Act B.E. 2562 was passed in 2019, Thailand had for the first time an official umbrella law to recognize community forestry. Subordinate laws still need to be developed to further clarify the Act for its implementation. 

The global farmland grab goes green

april, 2021

An 11 minute film illustrating how rural villagers in Sierra Leone are seeking to ensure justice. When a Chinese rubber company seized their forest and land they came together;used the law and won. Since then they have taken part in a fight to transform Sierra Leone’s systems for land and environmental governance.

Afrique – Aperçu régional de l'état de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition 2021

Reports & Research
april, 2021

L'Afrique n'est pas sur la bonne voie pour atteindre les cibles de l'objectif de développement durable (ODD) 2 visant à éliminer la faim et à assurer l'accès de tous à une alimentation saine, nutritive et suffisante tout au long de l'année, et à mettre fin à toutes les formes de malnutrition. Les estimations les plus récentes montrent que 281,6 millions de personnes sur le continent, soit plus d'un cinquième de la population, ont été confrontées à la faim en 2020, soit 46,3 millions de plus qu'en 2019.

IGF Guidance for Governments: Environmental management and mining governance

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2021

This guidance document is designed to help Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF) member states implement the IGF Mining Policy Framework (MPF). It focuses on the role that national governments can play in ensuring the effective and sustainable management of the environment and natural resources by the mining sector, using the legislative, regulatory, and policy tools and mechanisms at their disposal.