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Council of Ministers Resolution No. 62/2002 approving the Environmental Planning of Régua e do Carrapatelo Dam.

Southern Europe

This Resolution establishes the Regulation of the Environmental Planning of Régua e do Carrapatelo Dam (POARC). This Regulation consists of 5 chapters, and is a special environmental plan (PEOT), according with Decree-Law No. 380/99 regulating actions and activities for the management, use and transformation of land and water.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 11/2002 approving the Coastal Zone Plan (POOC) of Alcobaça-Mafra.

Southern Europe

This Resolution of Council of Ministers establishes the Coastal Zone Plan (POOC) of Alcobaça-Mafra. The Regulation is composed by 5 parts and 3 annexes specifying the requirements to be satisfied, such as: authorised activities, pollution control, urban land management and all the sectors involved with the coastal zone management.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Resolution of Council of Ministers No. 68/2002 approving the Regional Management Plan of the Territory of Lisbon (PROTAML).

Southern Europe

This Council of Minister Resolution approves the Regional Management Plan of the Territory of Lisbon (PROTAML). It establishes all the sectors involved with the management of the mentioned urban area and specifies the baselines for the urban planning, as well as territorial, forestry and protected areas management, etc.

Implements: Decree-Law No. 380/99 establishing the territorial management regime. (1999-09-22)

Arrêté 03-037 du 5 mars 2003 M/SG/DSTM/SHS fixant le taux d'amendes forfaitaires de non observation des règles d'hygiènes dans la ville de N'Djaména.

Middle Africa

Le présent arrêté fixe le taux d'amendes forfaitaires pour non observation des règles d'hygiène à l'intérieur du périmètre urbain de N'Djaména, notamment les jets ou exposition de choses de nature à nuire par leur chute ou leur exhalaison ; l’obstruction de la voie publique ; le refus d'exécution des règlements de petite voirie ou sommation administrative aux immeubles menaçant de ruine ; et la destruction ou détérioration des espaces verts et jardins publics.

Arrêté 088 du 5 avril 2004 portant attributions, organisation et fonctionnement de la Cellule chargée des questions sanitaires de l’Habitat du ministère de la Construction et de l'Urbanisme.

Côte d'Ivoire
Western Africa

Le présent arrêté met en place une Cellule chargée des questions sanitaires de l’Habitat au sein du ministère de la Construction et de l'Urbanisme.Elle est chargée notamment de créer un cadre de concertation et d'échange entre les ministères de la Construction et de l'Urbanisme, de la Santé (Institut national de Santé publique), de l'environnement; de veiller au respect des conditions sanitaires du bâtiment, des exigences environnementales de l'habitat (espaces verts etc.), des conditions hygiéniques et de l'entretien des quartiers; de veiller à l'humanisation des quartiers précaires (voie

Landfill Tax (Amendment) Regulations 2003 (S.I. No. 605 of 2003).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 to provide a number of changes to the scheme whereby landfill site operators are entitled to credit based on the contributions they give to approved bodies with objects concerned with the environment. Regulation 3 provides for amendments to regulation 31 which determines when a landfill site operator can claim tax credits and how he should calculate his entitlement to credit. The amendment reduces the maximum credit a landfill site operator may claim against their annual landfill tax liability.

Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations, 2001 (L.N. No. 212 of 2001).

Southern Europe

The purpose of these Regulations is to regulate the use of sewage sludge (defined in reg. 2) in agriculture (defined) in such a way as to prevent harmful effects on soil, vegetation, animals and man and to promote the correct use of such sludge. No sludge shall be used in agriculture unless it is treated in accordance with these Regulations (reg. 3).

Décret nº 2001-185/PRES/PM/MEE portant fixation des normes de rejets de polluants dans l'air, l'eau et le sol.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Le présent décret fixe les normes de rejets de polluants dans l'air, l'eau, qu'elle soit potalisable, de baignade ou piscicole, et dans le sol.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 005/97/ADP portant Code de l'environnement au Burkina Faso. (1997-01-30)

Government Resolution No. 86/2003 approving the Coastal Waters’ Management Plan (POOC) for the area Sintra-Sado.

Southern Europe

This Resolution, composed of 6 articles, approves the Coastal Waters’ Management Plan (POOC) for the area Sintra-Sado and the related Regulation. The aim of the POOC is to match the protection and valorisation of the biological diversity and the landscape with natural resources’ public use and the socio-economic development of Lisbon metropolitan area. The Regulation consists of 104 articles and 11 Annexes. It classifies coastal land starting by the distinction between urban and rural land.

National Environment (Minimum Standards for Management of Soil Quality) Regulations, 2001 (S.I. No. 59 of 2001).

Eastern Africa

The purpose of these Regulations is to establish and prescribe minimum standards for soil quality, to establish minimum standards for the management quality of soil intended for agricultural use, the establishment of criteria and procedures for the measurement and determination of soil quality and to issue measures and guidelines for soil management. The standards are prescribed in the First Schedule. The Second Schedule contains the guidelines for the management of fragile or particular soils.