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Attacks and criminalization of Indigenous Peoples defending their lands and rights

Reports & Research
juli, 2018

The Secretariat has the honour to present to the Human Rights Council the report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, prepared pursuant to Council resolution 33/12. In the report the Special Rapporteur briefly refers to the activities undertaken since the submission of her last report, provides a thematic study on attacks against and the criminalization of indigenous human rights defenders and reflects on available prevention and protection measures. She concludes with recommendations on how various stakeholders can prevent violations and improve protection.

Mobilizing indigenous and local knowledge for successful restoration

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2018

Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) aims to recover ecological integrity and enhance the wellbeing of people living in deforested and degraded landscapes. Within global and national restoration agendas, modern science is viewed by influential actors as the foundation for addressing some of the world’s most pressing ecological challenges.

The dark underbelly of land struggles: the instrumentalization of female activism and emotional resistance in Cambodia

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2018

Facing land grabs and eviction in the name of development, women worldwide increasingly join land rights struggles despite often deeply engrained images of female domesticity and conventional gender norms. Yet, the literature on female agency in the context of land struggles has remained largely underexplored. Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, my findings suggest that land rights activism in Cambodia has undergone a gendered re-framing process.

Informe sobre la jurisdicción agraria y los derechos humanos de los pueblos y campesinos de México

Reports & Research
juli, 2018
Latin America and the Caribbean

Este informe ofrece un análisis de la jurisdicción agraria en México a la luz de su evolución histórica y de los estándares internacionales que, en materia de derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas, México ha suscrito y se ha comprometido a cumplir. En México hay varias instituciones muy importantes para la vigencia de los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas, comunidades y ejidos sobre sus tierras y territorios: i) los Tribunales Agrarios, jurisdicción especializada que, en principio, es creada para proteger estos derechos sobre tierra y territorio; ii) la Procuraduría Agraria, ins

The Scramble for Land Rights. Reducing Inequality between Communities and Companies

Reports & Research
juli, 2018

Indigenous and community lands, crucial for rural livelihoods, are typically held under informal customary arrangements. This can leave the land vulnerable to outside commercial interests, so communities may seek to formalize their land rights in a government registry and obtain an official land document. But this process is often time-consuming, complex and costly and, in contrast, companies can acquire land relatively quickly and find short-cuts around regulatory burdens.

Свободное, предварительное и осознанное

Institutional & promotional materials
juli, 2018

Руководство «Свободное, предварительное и информированное согласие» (FPIC) разработано в качестве инструмента для специалистов широкого круга проектов и программ любой организации , занимающейся международным развитием , и предоставляет информацию о праве на свободное, предварительное и проинформированное согласие , и о том, как его можно реализовать в шесть шагов. Пособие основано на политике ФАО в отношении коренных народов и народов, ведущих племенной образ жизни (2010 г.), для которой одним из основных принципов является данное согласие.

La gobernanza responsable de la tenencia y el derecho: una guía para juristas y proveedores de servicios jurídicos

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2018
Costa Rica
Burkina Faso

Esta guía técnica presenta un análisis de las dimensiones jurídicas de las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional y su relación con el derecho internacional vinculante.

Le consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause - un droit des peuples autochtones et une bonne pratique pour les communautés locales

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2018
Costa Rica

Le présent Manuel du consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause (CPLCC) est conçu comme outil donnant des informations sur le droit au CPLCC et sa réalisation en six étapes; il est destiné aux praticiens de projet (appelés ici responsables de projet) gérant une large gamme de projets et de programmes (appelés ici projets) d’un organisme de développement quel qu’il soit.


Institutional & promotional materials
juli, 2018

自由事先知情同意是受国际人权标准保护的一项原则,同时也与自决权相联系。自由事先知情同意原则得到了《联合国土著民族权利宣言》、《生物多样性公约》及国际劳工组织《第169号公约》的支持 。本手册是粮农组织与若干协作组织自2015年7月启动协商进程以来的结晶本手册,是专为发展组织的项目从业人员设计的工具。

Defenders Annual Report 2017

Reports & Research
juni, 2018

This report, and our campaign, is dedicated to all those individuals, communities and organisations that are bravely taking a stand to defend human rights, their land, and our environment.

207 of them were murdered last year for doing just that. On these pages we remember their names, and celebrate their activism.

And we reiterate our resolve to stand alongside those who continue the struggle for a better world and shine a light on these issues which are too often hidden from sight.

You are not alone. Justice will be done.

Women’s Access to Land and Housing in Lesotho

Reports & Research
juni, 2018

Women need secure access to and control of land in order to realise their human rights. In order for the women to realise their land and inheritance rights it is important for the policy makers to have in place mechanisms and institutions to guide practice. This report sets out the status of women’s land and inheritance rights in Lesotho. The aim is to provide a consolidated baseline which can inform policy making, implementation and monitoring.