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Manuals & Guidelines
december, 2016

This learning guide has been designed specifically to give civil society and grassroots organizations a deeper understanding of the Voluntary guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests in the context of national food security (VGGT) to enable the members of these organizations and their constituents to use the VGGT meaningfully and effectively to improve the governance of tenure in their respective countries.

Community Land Protection Initiative

Training Resources & Tools
december, 2016

The Community Land Protection Initiative provides land rights defenders with the practical skills to support communities to document and protect their indigenous and customary lands. It includes practical how-to videos, blogs and other tools that will help you design interventions to protect community land rights.

Legalized Rent-Seeking: Eminent Domain in Kazakhstan

Reports & Research
december, 2016

Cornell International Law Journal: Vol. 50 : No. 1 , Article 2 Kazakhstan ranks consistently low on measures of property rights protection and the rule of law more generally.1 Echoing these evaluations, existing literature emphasizes the degree to which informal institutions shape property relations in personalist, authoritarian regimes, like Kazakhstan. The expectation is that formal institutions like law and courts fail to restrain or otherwise influence state agents’ rent-seeking behavior. In effect, they serve primarily as ornamentation.

In Pursuit of Sustainable Strategic Long-term Planning Throughout Meta-postmodernism as New Perspective of Stylistic Design

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

During the different period of architectural design designers attempt to achieve a high level of life quality for all users Architecture and urban planner want to provide a style of design which not only achieves different function for different users with respect to their ethnicity ability age sex capability position and lifestyle but also improve the friendly environment throughout responsive legislation based on longterm planning Although the styles are considered some indicators it is ignored the other important characteristics Therefore the existing styles never achieve the standard le

The Transformation of Aesthetics in Architecture from Traditional to Modern Architecture: A case study of the Yoruba (southwestern) region of Nigeria

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Aesthetics is the philosophical study of art and natural beauty and it is indicated by the feelings of pleasure or displeasure which comes from visual and aural elements and artefacts Hence aesthetics depends on the animate or inanimate organization which can be perceived either subjectively or objectively This aesthetic element is uniquely present in the traditional buildings and modern buildings of the southwestern part of Nigeria This study is set out to evaluate and bring into limelight the aesthetic characteristics of traditional buildings and that of the modern buildings how one style

“As a husband I will love, lead, and provide:” Gendered access to land in Ghana

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2016
Western Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Improving women’s access to land is high on the agricultural policy agenda of both governmental and non-governmental agencies. Yet, the determinants and rationale of gendered access to land are not well understood. This paper argues that gender relations are more than the outcomes of negotiations within households. It explains the importance of social norms, perceptions, and formal and informal rules shaping access to land for male and female farmers at four levels: (1) the household/family, (2) the community, (3) the state, and (4) the market. The framework is applied to Ghana.

Identifying challenges to enforcement in protected areas: empirical insights from 15 Colombian parks

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Protected areas are intended to conserve biodiversity by restricting human activities within their boundaries. However, such restrictions are difficult to enforce fully in many tropical parks. Improving regulatory enforcement requires an understanding of prevailing challenges to detection and sanctioning activities. Drawing from empirical field research in 15 Colombian parks, I show that current enforcement efforts may be insufficient to deter most priority threats.

Co-Management, Land Rights, and Conflicts Around South Africa’s Silaka Nature Reserve

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016
South Africa
Southern Africa

Globally, co-management of protected areas (PAs) offers promise in efforts to achieve ecological integrity and livelihood needs. Most co-management agreements are premised on joint decision making in defining equitable sharing of benefits from and the management responsibilities for natural resource management. However, co-managed PAs are often conflict ridden. The forceful closure of Silaka Nature Reserve in South Africa in 2013 by a local community epitomizes the conflicts that can emerge in co-management arrangements.