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A local perspective on drivers and measures to slow deforestation in the Andean-Amazonian foothills of Colombia

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2018

Colombia’s Andean-Amazonian foothills are among the most pressing deforestation hotspots in the country. Yet, the relationships and dependencies of underlying deforestation drivers are not well understood. For an adequate territorial reorganization in the post-conflict era that is sensitive to local context, a targeted analysis of the present situation at the local level is required. This study investigates direct and indirect deforestation drivers, relationships among these and potential measures to lower deforestation post-conflict.

Improving agricultural pollution abatement through result-based payment schemes

Peer-reviewed publication
augustus, 2018

Action-based payments that compensate farmers for adopting land-management measures to preserve and enhance the environment have been criticized for being ineffective. The root of the problem is that farmers are not paid for achieving a desired environmental benefit, but compensated for their costs of management. There is growing interest in formulating result-based economic incentives.

Learning Platforms for land-based investments in Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda

Reports & Research
juli, 2018

The Netherlands Land Academy (LANDac), the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, CIFOR and Shared Value Foundation (SVF) jointly set out in 2017 to design and implement 3 multi-stakeholder Learning Platforms around investment hubs in Mozambique (the Beira Corridor), Tanzania (Kilombero Valley) and Uganda (the Jinja-Kampala Corridor). Land-based investments have shown that deals often lead to conflicts between investors and local populations, which negatively effects local livelihoods and food security.

Women’s Access to Land and Housing in Lesotho

Reports & Research
juni, 2018

Women need secure access to and control of land in order to realise their human rights. In order for the women to realise their land and inheritance rights it is important for the policy makers to have in place mechanisms and institutions to guide practice. This report sets out the status of women’s land and inheritance rights in Lesotho. The aim is to provide a consolidated baseline which can inform policy making, implementation and monitoring.


Criteria for selection and evaluation of biosphere reserves in support of the UNESCO MAB programme in South Africa

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Central African Republic
South Africa
Southern Africa

The biosphere reserve model is a global designation in accordance with UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme. Biosphere reserves are required to fulfil three functions as prescribed by UNESCO, namely conservation, sustainable development and logistic support. Worldwide, the 669 biosphere reserves in 120 countries are experiencing different degrees of effectiveness in fulfilling these functions.

How private are Europe’s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

Private forests are widespread in Europe providing a range of ecosystem services of significant value to society, and there are calls for novel policies to enhance their provision and to face the challenges of environmental changes. Such policies need to acknowledge the importance of private forests, and importantly they need to be based on a deep understanding of how property rights held by private forest owners vary across Europe. We collected and analysed data on the content of property rights based on formal legal requirements existing in 31 European jurisdictions.

The future of agriculture in the shrinking suburbs: The impact of real estate income and housing costs

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

This paper offers solutions to some of the challenges around maintaining productive agricultural land close to cities in countries facing a decline in urban populations. In such circumstances, some farmers have been observed to convert their land into real estate and leave farming before land prices decline, therefore decreasing the area of agricultural land close to large cities. In contrast, many suburban farmers in developed countries remain in farming even when land prices decline and suburbs shrink.

Land fragmentation and production diversification: A case study from rural Albania

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

We analyze the impact of land fragmentation on production diversification in rural Albania. Albania represents a particularly interesting case for studying land fragmentation as the fragmentation is a direct outcome of land reforms. The results indicate that land fragmentation is an important driver of production diversification of farm households in Albania. We find that land fragmentation stimulates significantly more diversification for subsistence farm households than for market-oriented households.

Conflicts of land expropriation in China during 2006–2016: An overview and its spatio-temporal characteristics

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018

In recent years conflicts of land expropriation in China have received a lot of concern. Recent systematic reviews highlight causes, types and resolution of land conflicts, yet very few of these studies have considered the spatial-temporal characteristics of the issue. Utilizing spatial statistical analysis and statistical software, this paper aims to build a contextual overview on Chinese land expropriation conflicts and explore spatial and temporal distribution of it during 2006–2016. Correlations of land conflict intensity with per capita GDP and urbanization rate have been studied.

To leave or not to leave? Understanding determinants of farmers’ choices to remain in or abandon agri-environmental schemes

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2018
United States of America

Effectiveness of Agri-Environmental Schemes (AESs) as tools to enhance the rural environment can be achieved not only by increasing uptake rates, but also by avoiding participating farmers abandoning the scheme once they are in. For this reason, it is important to also consider what affects farmers’ decisions to remain in the scheme rather than leave it at the end of the contractual obligation. However, up to now, there has been very little on this issue in the literature.