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Informe 2015 Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2016

El Informe 2015 Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica es una nueva iniciativa en el marco del Movimiento Regional por la Tierra y Territorio. Transitamos tres años entre sistematizaciones de experiencias inspiradoras de acceso a la tierra, documentos técnicos, encuentros regionales, encuentros de jóvenes por la tierra y articulaciones diversas a favor de la vida rural.

Informe 2015 Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2016

El Informe 2015 Acceso a la tierra y territorio en Sudamérica es una nueva iniciativa en el marco del Movimiento Regional por la Tierra y Territorio. Transitamos tres años entre sistematizaciones de experiencias inspiradoras de acceso a la tierra, documentos técnicos, encuentros regionales, encuentros de jóvenes por la tierra y articulaciones diversas a favor de la vida rural.

The Recognition and Security of Customary Tenure of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia: a Legal Perspective (in Khmer)

Reports & Research
oktober, 2016

This short thematic study challenges the assumption that the legal framework to recognize and protect indigenous peoples’ (IP) customary lands is adequate and that the challenge lies in its implementation. With support from MRLG, a core group of IP NGOs of the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA) held a series of seminars to scrutinize this legal framework, identify gaps and make recommendations for a revision of the supporting legal framework. The thematic study documents this joint reflection.

The Recognition and Security of Customary Tenure of Indigenous Peoples in Cambodia: a Legal Perspective

Reports & Research
oktober, 2016

This short thematic study challenges the assumption that the legal framework to recognize and protect indigenous peoples’ (IP) customary lands is adequate and that the challenge lies in its implementation. With support from MRLG, a core group of IP NGOs of the Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Alliance (CIPA) held a series of seminars to scrutinize this legal framework, identify gaps and make recommendations for a revision of the supporting legal framework. The thematic study documents this joint reflection.

Taking context into account in urban agriculture governance: Case studies of Warsaw (Poland) and Ghent (Belgium)

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2016

This article explores the role of local particularism in relation to the global interest in urban agriculture (UA). A growing movement is advocating UA, but future prospects are limited by variability, unclear expectations, vague responsibilities and leadership in the UA movement. We wonder whether the poor understanding of UA governance is associated with a public discourse and academic literature that too easily adopt the generic and universally claimed benefits.

Part-time amenity migrants: Revealing the importance of second homes for senior residents in a transit-oriented development

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2016

Transit-oriented development (TOD) has been proposed as a model for sustainable urban and regional development beyond the troubled heritage of modernistic planning. Key to TOD is mixed use and reduced dependence on private cars. However, functionalistic land-use divides persist in the principles of TOD, such as the division between leisure and work and between permanent residences and second homes. These divides relate to, and are emphasised by, a strong focus on urban qualities within the TOD discourse, while discussions on landscape amenities are set aside.

Classification of farmland ownership fragmentation as a cause of land degradation: A review on typology, consequences, and remedies

Peer-reviewed publication
oktober, 2016
United States of America

Farmland ownership fragmentation is one of the important drivers of land-use changes. It is a process that in its extreme form can essentially limit land management sustainability. Based on a typology of land degradation and its causes, this process is here classified for the first time as an underlying cause which through tenure insecurity causes land degradation in five types (water erosion, wind erosion, soil compaction, reduction of organic matter, and nutrient depletion).

Nitrogen Pollution and the Meltdown of Urban Ecosystems

Peer-reviewed publication
september, 2016

Urban ecosystems are carrying an extinction debt. Mitigating this debt will require the development of a predictive framework that improves our understanding of the factors causing decline of native biodiversity in urban areas. I argue that nitrogen is a common currency around which such a predictive framework could be built. I first summarise the evidence that shows the probable extent of nitrogen enrichment in urban ecosystems. I then review the body of empirical evidence that describes how nitrogen enrichment affects ecosystem process and function.

Land Politics under Kenya's New Constitution

Journal Articles & Books
Reports & Research
september, 2016

Kenya's new constitution, inaugurated in August 2010, altered the institutional structure of the state in complex ways. The general motivation behind reform was to enhance the political representation of ordinary citizens in general and that of marginalized ethno-regional groups in particular, and to devolve control over resources to the county level. In the land domain, reform objectives were as explicit and hard-hitting as they were anywhere else.

System Dynamics Modelling Approach to Determine Sustainable Stocking Rate for a Sheep Population in the Ethiopian Highlands

Conference Papers & Reports
september, 2016
Eastern Africa

A system dynamics approach was used to determine the sustainable stocking rate of the Menz sheep population in the Ethiopian highland. A model was developed to simulate stocking rate based on communal grazing land. The model is weather and resource (feed supply) driven. Pasture growth and dynamics was modeled using rainfall and temperature data. Herd dynamics was based on age groups of male and female animals from birth to herd exit, taking production and reproduction parameters into account.