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Climate-Smart Agriculture in Indonesia

december, 2020

This CSA Country Profile describes the risks posed by climate change to agriculture in Indonesia, discusses the potential of CSA to attenuate those risks, identifies factors that can influence the adoption of CSA practices, and highlights potential entry points for investment in CSA at scale. The report is split into two parts; the National Profile and Provincial Profiles.

Foresight for Future Planning Training Series: Information Pack

december, 2020

Link to the full toolkit: https://bit.ly/Foresight_Training_Toolkit
The Foresight for Future Planning Training Series is a four-part training series for applying foresight to address climate change impacts and uncertainties. The training series equips users to practically apply a range of foresight tools and methods for innovative research in development prioritisation, specifically assisting in strateg ic planning and policy formulation for climate-relevant transformation in agriculture and food systems.

Participatory community wealth ranking in banana-producing regions of Uganda and Tanzania

december, 2020

The report describes the approach and results of community wealth ranking (CWR) exercises conducted in 2015-2016 to ascertain the wealth groups and their characteristics of selected banana-producing communities in two regions of Uganda and four of Tanzania. The CWR information gathered was aimed at informing current and future banana breeding initiatives in and

Foresight as a mechanism for inclusion? Comparative analysis of gender and social inclusion within the CCAFS scenario-based policy formulation processes

december, 2020

Starting from 2010, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) scenarios team has led several future scenario-guided policy formulation processes under the FP1 Flagship Priorities and Policies for CSA. These scenario-based processes combined stakeholders’ workshops with quantitative modelling to guide planning for food and nutrition secure futures under changing climatic conditions. While earlier scenarios focused on the regional level, the scope have since expanded to encompass multiple regional and national policy development processes.

Assessing climate change impact on Guyana's crops using integrated crop and spatial modeling approaches.

december, 2020

The Crop and Spatial Modeling activity was part of the project ‘Development of an Evidence-Based, Gender Equitable Framework for Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions,’ carried out under the Ministry of Agriculture and in collaboration with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), the Hydrometeorological Service of Guyana, and the University of Guyana. The project required geospatial vulnerability assessment and crop modeling research and extends previous climate change studies and vulnerability and capacity assessments regarding Guyana’s agricultural sector.

Gender and youth responsiveness considerations for targeting, testing and scaling suitable CSA practices and technologies: Learnings from the Climate-Smart Villages

december, 2020

This working paper summarizes the findings of a portfolio review conducted to explore the gender and youth responsiveness of climate-smart agriculture technologies tested across climate-smart villages. The innovative and integrative aspect of the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) approach can provide useful insights into how to decrease the gender gap in the context of climate change.

Transformation of coffee-growing landscapes across Latin America. A review

december, 2020

In Latin America, the cultivation of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) plays a critical role in rural livelihoods, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development. Over the last 20 years, coffee farms and landscapes across the region have undergone rapid and profound biophysical changes in response to low coffee prices, changing climatic conditions, severe plant pathogen outbreaks, and other drivers.

Tapping into the environmental co-benefits of improved tropical forages for an agroecological transformation of livestock production systems

december, 2020

Livestock are critical for incomes, livelihoods, nutrition and ecosystems management throughout the global South. Livestock production and the consumption of livestock-based foods such as meat, cheese, and milk is, however, under global scrutiny for its contribution to global warming, deforestation, biodiversity loss, water use, pollution, and land/soil degradation. This paper argues that, although the environmental footprint of livestock production presents a real threat to planetary sustainability, also in the global south, this is highly contextual.

Gender-smart agriculture: An agenda for gender and socially inclusive climate-resilient agriculture

december, 2020

The working paper reviews the evolution of the CCAFS gender and social inclusion agenda towards gender equality and empowerment in relation to climate resilient agriculture. Climate change research typically shows glaring gaps in understanding the different adaptive strategies and capacities of men and women, and the technologies, practices, and enabling environments that will empower women.

A practical perspective on One CGIAR: lessons from 15 years of CIALCA agricultural research for development consortium work in central Africa

december, 2020

There is a wind of change blowing through the sector of international agricultural research for development (AR4D), mainly as a result of comprehensive reorganisation and transformation of one of its largest players, the CGIAR. In January 2020, Food Policy published a Special Issue providing valuable external and high-level reflections, challenges and recommendations for One CGIAR. One of the papers by Coffman et al. (2020) provided five Challenges and related Recommendations to the One CGIAR.

Are climate and security policies coherent and integrated? A Policy Coherence Analysis

december, 2020

This factsheet answers if climate and security policies coherent and integrated. The results show that there remains a practical disconnect between climate and peace and security-related policy fields. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the research community should put an effort in creating policy-relevant and actionable understandings of what climate security and climate-peace opportunities mean, to enable policymakers across different contexts and scales to have a common understanding.

Climate security in the Central American Dry Corridor

december, 2020

The evidence on conflicts around the world since the turn of the century points to a simple conclusion: conflicts, grievances and insecurities are increasingly being affected by changing climates, environmental degradation, food insecurity, and the struggle to control a finite pool of natural resources. This paper aims to understand the linkages between climate, conflict, agriculture, and