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Framed field experiments with heterogeneous frame connotation

Reports & Research
december, 2018
British Indian Ocean Territory

We study label framing effects in linear public goods games. By accounting for heterogeneous frame connotation, we can identify individual framing effects. We test for such effects in a field experiment on irrigation management in India. Using membership of the water users association as a proxy for frame connotation, we find a differential impact on contributions in the game. Members contribute relatively more under the irrigation frame than non-members as compared to an alternative, neutral, frame.

Model Lease Contract

Agreements & Contracts
november, 2018
Eastern Africa

This draft model lease contract considers international best practices and recommendations, regarding the design of contract for farmland investments. In particular, the IISD Guide to Negotiating Investment Contract for Farmland and Water, were used as a reference while designing this current draft. Experience gained by BVVG Agriforest Privatization Agency regarding lease contact design is reflected in the draft model contact. 

Building Harmonized Private and State Land Data and Information Systems in Ethiopia

Conference Papers & Reports
november, 2018
Eastern Africa

Different government institutions in Ethiopia are working on land related issues to tackle and manage data and information independently from each other, even though their activities and mandates are often related or even overlap. Those institutions do not have a shared modern information management system to properly compile and store data in such a way that users from other relevant institutions can access and share such data and resources for better planning and informed decision making.

Assessment of Landscape Transformation and its Implication in Benishangul-Gumuz Region

Reports & Research
november, 2018
Eastern Africa

The Ethiopian Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), targets achieving food security and becoming a middle-income country by 2025. One part of the strategy is encouraging large-scale agricultural investment (LSAI) by domestic and international investor. To that effect, ample arable land in various region is being leased out, Benishangul-Gumuz region being one of them.

Managing Resposnsible Agricultural Investment Using an Open Source Solution

Reports & Research
november, 2018
Eastern Africa

To address food insecurity in the country, the Government of Ethiopia envisages a rapid transformation in the agriculture sector to increase production, productivity, markets and employment. It has, therefore, strategically promoted land investments for agricultural development as part of the two successive five-year Growth and Transformation Plans (GTP).

Monitoring Agricultural Investment in Ethiopia: A Remote Sensing Based Approach

Reports & Research
november, 2018
Eastern Africa

Between 2005 and 2016, the Ethiopian Government leased about 2.4 million hectares of land for commercial agricultural investments to private domestic and foreign investors as a means of economic growth, food security and job creation. In order to steer these vast amounts of large-scale agricultural investments towards the envisaged benefits, it is crucial to monitor the investments’ implementation progress frequently.

በኢትዮጵያ ኃላፊነት የተሞላበት የማህበራዊና አካባቢ የስነ ምግባር ደንብ

Manuals & Guidelines
november, 2018
Eastern Africa

በኢትዮጵያ ኃላፊነት የተሞላበት የግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ዕውን ለማድረግ የሚያስችል የማህበራዊና አካባቢ የስነ ምግባር ደንብ የተዘጋጀው የግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ፕሮጀክቶች ሁሉን አቀፍ ፣ዘላቂ ፣ ግልጽነት የሰፈነባቸው እና ሰብአዊ መብቶችን የሚያከብሩ መሆናቸውን ማረጋገጥ ይችሉ ዘንድ ለመርዳት ታስቦ የተዘጋጀ የስነ ምግባር ደንብ ሰነድ ነው ፡፡ ይህ ሰነድ የተዘጋጀው የኢትዮጵያ ሆርቲካልቸርና ግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ባለስልጣን የግብርና ኢንቨስትመንት ልማት በተገቢው መንገድ ተግባራዊ ለማድረግ የሚያስችሉ መመሪያዎችን ለማዘጋጀት ባሳየው ቁርጠኝነት ምክንያት ነው፡፡

Smallholder farmers’ crop combinations under different land tenure systems in Thailand: The role of flood and government policy

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018

Land use decision making is influenced by various factors including tenure security, natural disasters and farm characteristics. Smallholder farmers operate under different land tenure systems, which influences their crop combinations. This paper investigates smallholder farmers’ crop combinations under different land tenure systems in Thailand in the context of the 2011 flood and government policy on rice.

Small Family Farms Country Factsheet: Tajikistan

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2018

Although only 5 percent of Tajikistan's land area is farmable due to the country's mountainous geography, agriculture accounts for 53 percent of total employment. Among those households that engage in agriculture, almost 90 percent can be classified as small family farms. With 0.2 hectares on average, Tajikistan's smallholders operate on very marginalized farmland which makes it less surprising that on-farm income and income from non-agricultural wages are almost evenly balanced.

Can strategic spatial planning contribute to land degradation reduction in urban regions? State of
the art and future research

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2018

Land degradation is becoming a serious environmental issue threatening fertile agricultural soils and other natural resources. There are many driving forces behind land degradation. The expansion of artificial surfaces due to various economic activities, such as housing, industry, and transport infrastructure, known as soil sealing, constitutes one of the most intensive forms of land degradation in urban regions. Measures to halt and reverse land degradation require both strong land-use management policies, as well as effective spatial planning mechanisms.