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Investigation into the delays in issuing title deeds to beneficiaries of housing projects funded by the capital subsidy

Conference Papers & Reports
oktober, 2011
South Africa

The Department of Human Settlements reports that between 1994 and 2009, 2.94-million housing units and serviced sites have either been built or were under construction. By September 2010, 1.44-million of these properties were formally registered on the Deeds Registry. This means that about 50% of subsidy beneficiaries had not yet received formal title for their housing. Moreover, since 2005, the percentage of subsidy properties that have been formally registered per year has plummeted.

‘Shifting ground’

Peer-reviewed publication
juli, 2011

In this paper, we use an actor-oriented perspective to explore the nature and extent of conflict and negotiation with regard to land use and tenure among the Iban of Sarawak. The Iban are shifting cultivators who have long been involved in smallholder cash crops.

Droit foncier, quelles perspectives pour la Guinée ?

Peer-reviewed publication
juni, 2011

De nombreux travaux alimentent la réflexion sur le droit foncier des zones rurales en Afrique de l’Ouest. En Guinée, la réforme foncière est d’actualité depuis plusieurs années mais les différents événements politiques de ces dernières années ont continuellement repoussé le travail entamé. Il n’en reste pas moins que le sujet demeure un enjeu d’actualité et sera un des chantiers du nouveau gouvernement.

Whose Land is it? The status of customary land tenure in Cameroon

Reports & Research
februari, 2011

Includes what is the problem and what can be done?; the law and customary land rights; how does Forest Law treat customary land rights?; lessons from other African states; the way forward. Argues that the current de jure reality is that most rural Cameroonians are little more than squatters on their own land with regard to forests and other land assets.

Irregular and illegal Land Acquisition by Kenya’s Elites: Trends, Processes, and Impacts of Kenya’s Land-Grabbing Phenomenon

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2011

The International Land Coalition (ILC) has commissioned this present report to analyze the illegal/irregular acquisition of land by Kenya’s elites to ascertain the types of land affected, the processes used to acquire land, and the profiles of the perpetrators, as well as to identify the victims and the impacts of land grabbing. The report is drawn largely from the Kenya Land Alliance (KLA)’s series “Unjust Enrichment: The Making of Land Grabbing Millionaires”,


Reports & Research
december, 2010

Post-conflict northern Uganda has witnessed an increase in disputes over land. This has, to a great extent, been as a result of the armed conflict and its aftermath. Beyond that, other chaotic factors embedded in various social, legal, economic, and political aspects of this society have influenced the nature, gravity, and dynamics of these disputes and the way in which Traditional Institutions and the Local Council Courts have attempted to resolve them.

Land or Else

Reports & Research
september, 2010

Northern Uganda is the scene of one of the world’s most volatile and spontaneous processes of reintegration. There are approximately 1.1 to 1.4 million people in the Acholi sub-region at the time of writing3 ; 295,000 internally-displaced persons (IDPs) remain displaced either in IDP camps or transit sites. Approximately 800,000 Acholis have already left the camps and spontaneously returned home over the last three years.

Campesino – indígena: indagando conceptos

Policy Papers & Briefs
augustus, 2010
Latin America and the Caribbean

* Xavier Albó
Xavier Albó lleva más de cuarenta años trabajando en desarrollo rural y derechos indígenas en Bolivia. En esta entrevista el antropólogo indaga, precisa y reflexiona sobre los principales conceptos vinculados a la agricultura familiar.
Pregunta (P): ¿Cómo abordar conceptos complejos y relacionados respecto a campesino, indígena - originario y pequeño productor?


Reports & Research
juli, 2010

Tenure in Mystery collates information on land under conservation, forestry and mining in the Karamoja region. Whereas significant changes in the status of land tenure took place with the Parliamentary approval for degazettement of approximately 54% of the land area under wildlife conservation in 2002, little else happened to deliver this update to the beneficiary communities in the region. Instead enclaves of information emerged within the elite and political leadership, by means of which personal interests and rewards were being secured and protected.