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Fiche pédagogique : Le certificat comme outil de sécurisation des droits : premiers bilans et questions en suspens

Reports & Research
oktober, 2022

À Madagascar, depuis 2005, la réforme foncière reconnaît légalement l’existence d’un régime de propriété privée non titrée (PPNT) aux côtés de la propriété privée titrée. Des guichets fonciers opérant à l’échelle des communes sont habilités à délivrer des certificats fonciers, preuve légale de propriété privée, à la demande du/des propriétaires et à l’issue d’une procédure qui s’assure du consensus social local.

Understanding Land Acquisition Challenges that Have Necessitated the Constitution (Amendment) Bill 2017

juni, 2017

Compulsory acquisition is the power of government to acquire private rights in land for a public purpose, without the willing consent of its owner or occupant. This power is known by a variety of names depending on a country’s legal traditions, including eminent domain, expropriation, takings  and  compulsory purchase.

Land for infrastructure development: compulsory acquisition and compensation of unregistered/undocumented land in Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2017

Kenya’s Vision 2030 aims at transforming the country into a newly industrialized middle income country

and infrastructural development is high on the agenda to achieve this. Competing land uses and existing

interests in land make the use of eminent domain by government in acquiring land inevitable. However

most of the land earmarked for compulsory acquisition comprises of un- registered land whose interests

Legalized Rent-Seeking: Eminent Domain in Kazakhstan

Reports & Research
december, 2016

Cornell International Law Journal: Vol. 50 : No. 1 , Article 2 Kazakhstan ranks consistently low on measures of property rights protection and the rule of law more generally.1 Echoing these evaluations, existing literature emphasizes the degree to which informal institutions shape property relations in personalist, authoritarian regimes, like Kazakhstan. The expectation is that formal institutions like law and courts fail to restrain or otherwise influence state agents’ rent-seeking behavior. In effect, they serve primarily as ornamentation.

La indemnización justipreciada recibida por una expropiación y su afectación al impuesto a la renta

Reports & Research
december, 2016

El presente trabajo comprenderá dos capítulos. El primer capítulo de carácter general, el cual es trascendental para el posterior capítulo, abarcará el ámbito de aplicación del Impuesto a la Renta, las teorías más difundidas de renta. Asimismo, el concepto de renta enfocado tanto para rentas no empresariales como empresariales, siendo que en ésta última, se enfatizará el penúltimo párrafo del artículo 3° del TUO de la LIR.

The Impact of Large-Scale Mining on the Livelihoods of Adjacent Communities

Reports & Research
juni, 2016

This study assessed the contribution of Geita Gold Mine (GGM) to the livelihoods of local communities in Geita District. Specifically, it assessed the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility implementation, determined the extent to which GGM has contributed to socio-economic development in the study area, and examined the communities’ perceptions of environmental problems associated with mining activities and their impact on community well-being. A cross-sectional research design was employed, in which qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were used.

Land matters: The role of land policies and laws for environmental migration in Kenya

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2015

Matters of environmental migration are frequently looked at from a humanitarian perspective.1 This policy brief will instead look at it with a lens focusing on land issues. The question of environmental migration is inevitably linked to the question of land for several reasons. First, climate and environmental change trigger and accelerate the loss of land due to sea-level rise, coastal erosion, landslides and other forms of land degradation.

The Energy Act, 2015.

Legislation & Policies
november, 2015

A Bill for AN ACT of Parliament to consolidate the laws relating to energy, to provide for National and County Government functions in relation to energy,to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the energy sector entities; promotion of renewable energy; exploration, recovery and commercial utilization of geothermal energy; regulation of midstream and downstream petroleum and coal activities; regulation, production, supply and use of electricity and other energy forms; and for connected purposes.