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Land administration in Bangladesh: Problems and analytical approach to solution

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2017

Rapid population growth combined with fast rate of land transfer and land conversion urges for an effective land administration and management in Bangladesh. But the land administration system in Bangladesh is corrupt, inefficient, and unreliable and inherently contains systematic weaknesses. It proliferates and perpetuates the endemic nature of land disputes. Nearly 80 percent of court cases in the rural areas are estimated to be related to land-conflicts.

Tenure and Investment in Africa

Reports & Research
januari, 2017
Burkina Faso

This synthesis of our findings from an investigation of tenure risk in East, West, and Southern Africa, shows that a majority of tenure disputes are caused by the displacement of local peoples, indicating that companies and investors are not doing enough to understand competing claims to the land they acquire or lease. This failure in diligence is particularly noteworthy given that a majority of the disputes analyzed had materially significant impacts: indeed, a higher proportion of projects in Africa are financially impacted by tenure dispute than any other region in the world. 

Land-use conflict and socio-economic impacts of infrastructure projects: the case of Diamer Bhasha Dam in Pakistan

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2017

This article examines the conflicts arising from the Diamer Bhasha Dam project in northern Pakistan. Conflicts arising from the impacts of the dam on the local population and territory and steps to resolve some of them are identified. These impacts relate to unfair land acquisition, improper displacement, inadequate compen- sation, resettlement and future livelihoods. The completion of the project depends on the arrangement of project finance, resolution of conflicts among different actors and the consent of all stakeholders.

Reclaiming Land Rights

december, 2016

This video is part of one of the major activities of the L&A initiative “Collective Learning on Land Conflict Resolution” in Cambodia. It shows how successfully the participatory resolution of land conflict by the villagers in Sre Chhuk village in Lumphat district has been managed.



Land and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Claims to land and territory are often a cause of conflict, and land issues present some of the most contentious problems for post-conflict peacebuilding. Among the land-related problems that emerge during and after conflict are the exploitation of land-based resources in the absence of authority, the disintegration of property rights and institutions, the territorial effect of battlefield gains and losses, and population displacement.

Country Policy and Information Note Pakistan: Land disputes

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2016

This note provides country of origin information (COI) and policy guidance to Home Office decision makers on handling particular types of protection and human rights claims. This includes whether claims are likely to justify the granting of asylum, humanitarian protection or discretionary leave and whether – in the event of a claim being refused – it is likely to be certifiable as ‘clearly unfounded’ under s94 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.

Pillars of the community: how trained volunteers defend land rights in Tanzania

Reports & Research
december, 2016

Training volunteers to help their communities defend their land rights has proved an effective approach for promoting land justice in Tanzania. Report documents how Hakiardhi, a Dar-es-Salaam based research institute working on land governance issues, has established and trained a 600-strong network of male and female ‘Land Rights Monitors’ (LRMs) operating in 300 villages on various aspects of the land law, so they can help people and local governments to exercise and ensure respect for their legal rights in land disputes, particularly in relation to large-scale agricultural investments.

The Historical Land Injustices Rules 2016

Legislation & Policies
november, 2016

Article 67(2) (e) of the Constitution of Kenya mandates the Commission to initiate investigation on its own initiative or on a complaint into historical land injustices and recommend appropriate redress. To give effect to this Constitutional requirement, section 15 of the National Land Commission Act as amended by Section 38 of the Land Laws amendment Act 2016, provides the legal framework for redressing Historical Land Injustices.

Ribeirinhos do São Francisco e a resistência frente à construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Riacho Seco: o caso do município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista/PE

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2016
Este trabalho tem como objetivo, entender o processo de resistência no campo e na cidade na região do Submédio São Francisco, em especial a atuação do processo de resistência dos povos ribeirinhos do município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista – PE. Em função da eminente construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Riacho Seco, a mesma não tendo prosseguimento no licenciamento e leilão, ficando no Estudo de Impacto Ambiental – (EIA) sem concluir o Relatório de Impacto Ambiental – (RIMA) assim a