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Límites a la propiedad de la tierra: Antecedentes legales

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2010

El tema de los límites a la propiedad, o más precisamente del establecimiento a través de la ley de límites máximos a la propiedad de la tierra agrícola ha retomado actualidad en los últimos meses en el Perú. A la fecha se han presentado hasta tres propuestas legislativas al respecto, no obstante es necesario revisar algunos antecedentes antes de pasar a las propuestas mismas.

Land grabbing in Eastern Europe: global food security and land governance in post - Soviet Eurasia

Conference Papers & Reports
augustus, 2010
Republic of Korea
Eastern Europe

While ‘land grabbing’ in Africa by China, and other populous, high-income Asian countries such as South Korea got quite some attention, land grabbing in post-Soviet Eurasia has gone largely unnoticed. However, as this paper shows, recently also in the latter region foreign state and private companies are accumulating vast expanses of farm land. The paper discusses the factors which make post-Soviet Eurasia such an attractive area for international investment, with arguably much more potential than most areas in Africa or Asia.

Land grabbing in Eastern Europe: global food security and land governance in post - Soviet Eurasia

Reports & Research
juli, 2010
Eastern Europe

While ‘land grabbing’ in Africa by China, and other populous, high-income Asian countries such as South Korea got quite some attention, land grabbing in post-Soviet Eurasia has gone largely unnoticed. However, as this paper shows, recently also in the latter region foreign state and private companies are accumulating vast expanses of farm land. The paper discusses the factors which make post-Soviet Eurasia such an attractive area for international investment, with arguably much more potential than most areas in Africa or Asia.

Village Focus International; Bunong Community Center- Mondulkiri, Cambodia

juli, 2010

The forces of globalization, especially private investors from China, Vietnam and Malaysia are accelerating pressures on Cambodia, putting enormous pressure on ethnic Bunong traditional lands, natural resources, and cultural heritage. Exacerbating the situation, the Cambodian government permits -- even encourages -- foreign interests access to Bunong lands for mining, agricultural concessions, hydro-power, and other uses. 

Community Forestry in Cease-Fire Zones in Kachin State, Northern Burma: Formalizing Collective Property in Contested Ethnic Areas

Reports & Research
juni, 2010

... Community forests (CF) in northern Burma, particularly in Kachin State, have been sprouting up in villages since the mid-2000s, spearheaded by national NGOs. The recent watershed of CF establishment follows several contingent foundational factors: greater political stability and government control in cease-fire zones; enhanced NGO capacity, access, and effectiveness in these areas; and most prominently the recent threat of agribusiness.

La Revista Agraria Nº 119

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2010

La Revista Agraria Nº 119 tiene como tema central la concentración de tierras en Perú, con artícuios sobre los nuevos latifundios. Muestra como a pesar de que el modelo económico que se plantea actualmente en Parú, centra su atención a los derechos de propiedad de la tierra, excluye a la mayoría de los productores rurales del acceso a la propiedad.

La agricultura chilena y el terremoto

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2010
Central America

*Miguel Ignacio Jerez Núñez
El pasado mes de febrero la población chilena vivió jornadas de angustia y luto, cuando varias regiones del sur y del centro del país fueron azotadas por un terremoto demoledor. Sobre esos hechos se han escrito numerosos artículos, estudios y testimonios. En el presente número de Diálogos se ofrece una mirada puntual sobre el impacto de la catástrofe en la agricultura chilena, particularmente en la situación de la pequeña agricultura o agricultura familiar.
La magnitud del daño

Investissement très convoité ou accaparement des terres indésirable ?

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2010

Si les investissements étrangers directs (IED) dans les terres arables peuvent stimuler la croissance économique, ils peuvent aussi, le cas échéant, affecter de manière négative la situation des revenus et la sécurité alimentaire de la population locale. À la lumière de la culture de caoutchouc au Laos, l'article montre comment les concessions et la culture sous contrat peuvent conduire à l'accaparement de terres par les investisseurs étrangers.

A Note on Papers relating to Land Grabbing in Africa at the Annual World Bank Conference on Land Policy and Administration, Washington, 26-27 April 2010

Reports & Research
mei, 2010

Lists titles and authors of papers from World Bank conference most relevant to current concerns about land grabbing in Africa. Also cites the relevant URLs and gives summaries of the papers.

Land Grabbing in Kenya and Mozambique

Reports & Research
april, 2010

Contains a human rights framework to analyze foreign land grabbing – the rights to adequate food, housing and standard of living, the rights to work, self-determination and not to be deprived of one’s means of subsistence, and the rights of indigenous peoples. Followed by case studies of Kenya and Mozambique and concluding remarks about land grabbing and human rights violations.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2010

A well-functioning land administration and management system is crucial for Madagascar's economic and social future. Land is implicated in Madagascar's ongoing economic development and social transformation in many important ways, as key a factor in its quest for economic growth, urbanization, transparent decision-making on land-related foreign investments, environment protection, vibrant and sustainable rural communities, political stability, and social cohesion.