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Participatory Land Use Planning in Pastoral Areas in Tanzania: IPSR Innovation Package and Scaling Readiness Report

december, 2021

This is a report on a packaging exercise for the Tanzania land use planning innovation. It covers the evaluation process for Tanzania's readiness and use of innovative land use planning. The reports include identifying and selecting key solutions and activities necessary to scale the innovation and key actions needed to enhance the readiness and use of these key activities.

Barriers, incentive mechanisms, and roles of institutions in scaling climate-smart agriculture (CSA) interventions in rice growing environments in Mali

december, 2021

Climate change has many facets, including changes in long-term trends in temperature and rainfall regimes, increased year-to-year variability, and frequency of extreme events. Agriculture is the most affected, particularly in Sahelian countries, due to a scarcity of productive resources. Transitioning towards more resilient food systems requires the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) interventions.

Barriers, incentive mechanisms, and roles of institutions in scaling climate smart agriculture and climate information services

december, 2021

This study uses a framework that provides ample space for local stakeholders to integrate their knowledge and experience in the assessment of the barriers, incentives mechanisms, and roles of institutions for scaling out locally relevant CSA interventions in the four rice-growing environments in Mali. The study found that the adoption levels of many CSA interventions have been low.

Principles for socially inclusive digital tools for smallholder farmers: A guide

december, 2021

The digital ecosystem and its actors have increasing influence over how food is produced, what food people buy, and the flow of information among farmers, supply chain actors, and consumers. Efforts to transform food systems towards sustainability, including climate change resilience and mitigation, similarly rely on digital resources and offer the opportunity to scale up best practices rapidly at low cost.

Contributions of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) to various sustainable intensification impact domains in Tanzania

december, 2021

The implementation of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) varies widely among farmers, from no ISFM to multiple computations of ISFM components (i.e., improved germplasm, organic resources, fertilizers, and local adaptations e.g., soil and water conservation (SWC)). There is no comprehensive report on farmers' use of ISFM components and their impact on sustainable intensification domains of productivity, economic, social, human condition, and environment and the associated variations across farmer fields and agro-ecological zones (AEZs).

Training Needs assessment Report on Challenges of Climate-Smart Agriculture in Ethiopia

december, 2021

Haramaya University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences have undertaken review of the status of CSA and CIS in Ethiopia. In this review, we tried to assess and evaluate trends, challenges and some CSA practices and technologies that improve climate-smart agriculture and the training gaps existing in the country and propose future directions. Due to climate variability and change, Ethiopian agricultural sector that is the backbone of Ethiopia’s economy and livelihoods has been affected.

Sustainable development outcomes of livelihood diversification in small-scale fisheries

december, 2021

Livelihood diversification is increasingly central to policy advice and investments in rural development and fisheries management. For small-scale fishing communities in low- to middle-income countries, more diverse livelihoods are generally hypothesized to reduce fishing pressure and vulnerabilities to external shocks and adverse trends while enabling people to construct routes out of poverty. Yet, evidence of impacts from livelihood diversification in small-scale fisheries remains sparse.

Crop-livestock integration provides opportunities to mitigate environmental trade-offs in transitioning smallholder agricultural systems of the Greater Mekong Subregion

december, 2021

CONTEXT: The Greater Mekong Subregion has been undergoing rapid agricultural transformation over the last
decades, as traditional diverse subsistence-oriented agriculture is evolving towards intensified commercial
production systems. Negative environmental impacts often include deforestation, nutrient pollution, and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore the potential of crop-livestock integration to mitigate trade-offs between

Dramatically increased accessibility and decreased cost- per-person impacts are needed for scaling IPM in Africa

december, 2021

While traditional scaling for integrated pest management (IPM) in Africa requires the movement of expert trainers from village to village, these efforts are often costly, time-inefficient, hampered by distance, and became impossible under COVID-19's movement restrictions (despite tremendously increased public need for IPM-scaling knowledge). One solution to this dilemma is IPM-scaling, usable by a diversity of development actors expending limited or few resources, to deliver critical information to large numbers of people with systems-approach information and communication technologies.

A technical guideline on integrated aquaculture performance assessment

december, 2021

The aim of this guideline is to provide a methodological approach for an integrated aquaculture performance assessment. It was developed as a deliverable of the Scaling Systems and Partnerships for Accelerating the Adoption of Improved Tilapia Strains by Small-Scale Fish Farmers (SPAITS) project. One of the main outputs of the project is to conduct an integrated performance assessment of improved tilapia strains in participating small-scale fish farming households in Myanmar. The integrated assessment comprises three domains: economic, social and environmental.

Social protection: Designing adaptive systems to build resilience to climate change

december, 2021
United States of America

Social protection programs are a central component of national strategies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to increase incomes for poor households and protect them from shocks to their livelihoods. Social protection programs currently reach more than 2 billion people worldwide and are found in every country in sub-Saharan Africa.