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The Ndungu Report: Land & Graft in Kenya

Reports & Research
maart, 2005

This summary of the Report of the Ndungu Commission on Illegal and Irregular Allocation of Public Land provides an insight into a critical recent episode in the struggles over land and graft in Kenya. Includes land and demography in Kenya; the law relating to the allocation of land; the Commission’s findings – (1) urban, state and ministries’ land, (2) settlement schemes and trust lands, (3) forest lands, national parks, wetlands, riparian resources and protected areas; the Commission’s recommendations; commentary.

Land Matters in Displacement: the Importance of Land Rights in Acholiland and what threatens them

Reports & Research
december, 2004

Comprises executive summary; introduction; land and land rights in Acholi; security, access to land and food security; interventions; return and the Land Act; conclusions and recommendations. CSOPNU is a loose coalition advocating for a just and lasting peace in Northern Uganda, based on analyses of underlying causes of the conflict. Research sought to provide an analysis of how issues related to land affect people in the conflict areas of Acholi sub-region, with a focus on return as a durable solution to internal displacement.

Camponeses’ Realities: Their Experiences and Perceptions of the 1997 Land Law

Reports & Research
november, 2002

Based on 2002 fieldwork in four rural communities in Manica Province. Divided into 5 sections: overview – main points; case studies and methodology; effects of the 1997 Land Law in rural communities; problems encountered during implementation; recommendations; conclusion. Includes suspicion of the legal system, effects of legal knowledge, greater awareness of rights, class inequalities, conflicts between political parties, corruption and ignorance of local officials, attitudes to investors.

Smallholder Income and Land Distribution in Africa: Implications for Poverty Reduction Strategies (policy synthesis)

Reports & Research
augustus, 2002

A brief synthesis of a longer report. Provides a micro-level foundation for discussions of land allocation and its relation to poverty within the smallholder sector of Eastern and Southern Africa based on results from household surveys in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Mozambique and Rwanda between 1990 and 2000.

Radical Land Reform is Key to Sustainable Rural Development in South Africa

Reports & Research
augustus, 2002
South Africa

Argues that sustainable development in 21st century South Africa will never be achieved without a radical assault on the structural underpinnings of poverty and inequality inherited from 3 centuries of oppression and exploitation. A large-scale redistribution of land and resources, accompanied by the securing of tenure rights in practice as well as in law, is required for long-term sustainability. Asks how is the government’s land reform performing, and how sustainable are land-based livelihoods?

Land Reform in South Africa: is it meeting the Challenge?

Reports & Research
september, 2001
South Africa

Focuses on tenure reform (as a necessary first step); securing rights for farmworkers and labour tenants; slow progress and key challenges in restitution; redistribution; what is to be done? Offers an overview of the key challenges facing land reform and suggests a number of ways in which the current reform programme can be accelerated to fight poverty and inequality. Argues there is urgent need for a comprehensive, transparent, participatory process and for widespread public debate, especially in the light of events in Zimbabwe.

Creating the Black Commercial Farmer

Reports & Research
september, 2000

Looks at the problems of creating a stratum of black commercial farmers in South Africa in the light of historical experiences in Kenya and Zimbabwe. Argues that this will be a daunting challenge since apartheid tried to destroy black commercial farmers. The double challenge will be to unlock historical structural constraints within the agrarian economy and to reorient the current macro-economic climate to be more responsive to the needs of small-scale black farmers.

Small-scale farms in the western Brazilian Amazon

Reports & Research
december, 1999

Recently scientists have started to examine how land-uses and land-use technologies can help mitigate carbon emissions. The half million small-scale farmers inhabiting the Amazon frontier sequester large stocks of carbon in their forests and other land uses that they might be persuaded to maintain or even increase through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol.

Reduction of food losses through insect pest management and use of small scale and low cost farm equipment : progress report for the period from 1st January to 30th june 1987

Reports & Research
juni, 1987

The document focuses on the growing demand for regional facilities for demographic research and training in Africa, the United Nations Economic commission for Africa approved, at its Ninth Session in 1968, the establishment of two new institutes, which would provide training and conduct research in the region. One of these was to serve the English-speaking Countries of Africa, taking into consideration the coverage of the Cairo Demographic Centre, and the need to avoid the duplication or facilities, while the other was to serve the French-speaking countries or Africa, south of Sahara.

Assistance to Land Use Planning: Ethiopia. Provisional Soil Association Map of Ethiopia (1:2,000,000)

Training Resources & Tools
december, 1969

The 1: 2 000 000 Soil Associations map is based on

the Geomorphology and Soils map, at 1: 1 000 000 scals, prepared

by the FAO/UNDP Eth/78/003, Assistance to Land Use PlJ

Project in 1981 It incorporates some new information ob%,3 _

since the finalizing of the Geomorphology and soils map.