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Saxon Land Survey Law.

Western Europe

The present Law lays down provisions relating to official land survey and land cadastre in the Free State of Saxony. Article 1 establishes that the official land survey includes the: a) land survey; 2) land cadastre including cadastre survey and marking and 3)binding evidence of real-estate boundaries. The text consists of 30 articles divided into 4 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Data (2); Publicly appointed surveyors (3); Penalties, Ordinances (4).

Map and Cadastre Act (No. 1210 of 2013).

Northern Europe

This Act establishes guidelines on surveying and mapping of cadastre through the Survey and Cadastre Authority. Survey and Cadastre Authority may, after consultation with other authorities, store and distribute related data. Surveying in Danish waters, including waters around the Faroe Islands and Greenland, may only be done with the Survey and Cadastre Authority authorization. At completion, a copy of all survey data shall be submitted to the SCA. Decisions in adherence to section 1 may not be appealed to any other administrative authority.

Law No. 83 amending Law No. 1543- XIII on register of immovable property.

Eastern Europe

Article 19 shall be amended to add the following wording: “If general boundaries of a plot of land displayed on cadastre or geometric plan does not correspond to effective land ownership (pedis possession) and in the absence of act of land boundary establishment at land owner’s request and at the expense of local government establishes boundaries of land plot on site”.

Amends: Law No. 1543- XIII on register of immovable property. (2000-06-09)

Ley Nº 825 - Modifica la Ley Nº 311, Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER).

Central America

La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto organizar y redefinir las funciones, atribuciones y ámbito de competencia del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INTER), respecto a la integración de la Dirección Superior y a las atribuciones del Secretario General.

Enmienda: Ley Nº 311 - Ley Orgánica del Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER). (1999-07-09)

Loi sur les repères de la mensuration cadastrale (1) (LRMC).

Western Europe

La présente loi est relative aux repères de la mensuration cadastrale. L’article 1er établit que tout propriétaire est tenu de supporter sur son fonds les points fixes et les signes de repérage nécessaires à l’établissement et à la conservation des mensurations cadastrales, sous réserve des indemnités auxquelles il peut avoir droit en cas de dommage évident. Le texte comprend 5 articles comme suit: Obligation du propriétaire (1er); Inscription au registre foncier (2); Contestation (3); Instruction (4); Amende (5).

Cantonal Spatial Information Law.

Western Europe

The present Law enforces the Federal Spatial Information Act of 5 October 2010. The Law lays down provisions relating to the enforcement of federal legislation in the field of geographic information and the collection, management and use of spatial data for the area of the Canton Appenzell-Ausserrhoden. Furthermore, the Law creates conditions for a cantonal spatial data infrastructure.

Spatial Information Law.

Western Europe

The present Act regulates: a) the execution of the federal geo-information legislation; b) the collection, tracking, management and access of geodata under cantonal law; c) the administration and access to municipal land use plans; d) the cadastral map of line systems. The text consists of 15 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: General provisions (1); Principles (2); Organization (3).

Implements: Loi fédérale sur la géoinformation (Loi sur la géoinformation, LGéo). (2009-01-10)

Mortgage and Registration Act (Cap. 134).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides rules for the registration of mortgages and provides for the continuation of the Mortgage and Registration Office. The Act defines the legal effects of the transcription of a mortgage. The Act also provides for the registration of other rights on land including: (a) every deed of transfer inter vivos of any immovable property: (b) every deed constituting any pledge of immovable property or any servitude over or right of use in any immovable property; (e) every judgment of adjudication; (f) every lease of rural property.

Land Registration Act (Cap. 107).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides rules for the registration of rights in land in the Seychelles. There shall be a Land Registry and an (appointed) Land Registrar. The Act also concerns the effect of registration, conversion of qualified title into absolute title, co-ownership and partition of land, registration of rights held by foreigners and the form of transfer of various rights in lands. The provisions of this Act shall apply to usufructuary interests in the same manner as they apply to leases.

Geological and Soil Surveys Act (Cap. 89).

Eastern Africa

This Act provides rules for the carrying out of geological surveys or soil surveys within a part or the whole of Seychelles. The Minister may order such surveys to be carried out and the President may appoint geological surveyor for such surveys. The Act defines powers and duties of a surveyor and provides for compensation of damage caused by a surveyor.

Land Survey Act (Cap. 109).

Eastern Africa

This Act establishes the Land Surveyors Board, provides for the licensing of land surveyors and disciplinary proceedings against land surveyors, defines the duties of land surveyors and provides rules for the carrying out of original surveys, re-surveys and division surveys of land and related matters.The Land Surveyors Board shall, among other things, keep a register of licensed surveyors and act as arbitrator in any dispute between a licensed surveyor and a client. Surveyors shall be licensed by a Licensing Authority as defined by this Act.